2018 Match Play Doubles - Baton Rouge Qualifier

Doubles tournament · Amateur

Sat-Sun, July 14-15, 2018

Hosted by Kingfish Disc Go


  • Sat
    Jul 14


    Greenwood DGC Baker, LA
    Round 1 Players Meeting


    Greenwood DGC Baker, LA
    Round 2 Players Meeting

  • Sun
    Jul 15


    Flanacher Park DGC
    864 Flincher Road Zachary LA
    Round 3 Players Meeting


    Flanacher Park DGC
    864 Flincher Road Zachary LA
    Round 4 Players Meeting


GEN General $90 / team

About this tournament

Kingfish Disc Golf is excited to announce Match Play Doubles coming to Baton Rouge July 14-15th 2018. The format of the event will be the same in almost every respect to Match Play Singles: 16 teams (32 players total), four rounds of competition over a two-day weekend, players must have had a rating below 970 at the beginning of 2018 to be eligible.

Cost to play is $90 per team
Each player receives two premium event stamp discs (Maverick and Explorer)

1st Place: Team splits $200 Dynamic Discs Store Credit and are invited to participate in the State Championship

2nd Place: Team splits $100 Dynamic Discs Store Credit

3rd Place: Team splits $50 Dynamic Discs Store Credit

The winning team will have a chance to compete in the State Championship and try to earn a paid trip to Emporia KS on September 28th-30th to compete for the Grand Prize of DISCS FOR LIFE!

Refund policy

Refunds will be given automatically through June 14th. After that, refunds will be given if a replacement team can be found for that spot. No refunds or new registrations allowed after July 6th.