2017 PDGA Professional Master Disc Golf World Championships
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http://www.pdga.com/2017mastersworldsJeff Jacquart August 4, 2017 at 4:43pm
I left a message a while back (the day I registered for the event) to add myself and Laurie Cloyes to the mixed doubles event. I never heard back. By the time I tried to register, the event is closed. I doubt the event is full. Any way we can be added? I are not walk ups, just no one ever returned the e-mail message.
Sue Stephens August 3, 2017 at 1:44pm
Thanks Chuck ☺
Sue Stephens August 3, 2017 at 11:29am
How do I sign up for mixed doubles and field events, I'm already signed up for world's and now I have some money to sign up for the other stuff.
Douglas McIntosh August 3, 2017 at 6:39am
I played riverside today, using the the new baskets and flag marked tees, I love the changes
But I am pretty sure the distances marked in the PDF file for worlds are off on holes15-18 by a Substantial amount
Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler July 31, 2017 at 1:09am
Thanks to those who came out this weekend to Grand Isle to help with course improvements. A lot was accomplished, however there will still be more labor needed before we can say it is finished. Thanks again.
Jacob Stahl July 28, 2017 at 8:44pm
Please be advised that practice time for the PRIVATE courses are 4 Days prior to the start of competition. This will begin on 8/11 to 8/14 from 9-5.
Unless you have prior authorization from specifically the course owner, please do not just show up to Blue Gill or Black Falcon outside of the times outlined above.
Are there directions or an address posted for Black Falcon somewhere?
Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler July 28, 2017 at 4:29pm
Just in case you didn't have anything to do this weekend, but wanted to do something useful, there are some things needed to be done at Grand Isle (aka Rotary North). Nothing major, we'll call it "light gardening." Bring gardening tools, if you have them.
Saturday let's start at 10am and see what we can accomplish. Lunch will be provided. And if we're feeling it, we could sneak in a round of DG, too.
Sunday let's start at 10am too, just because, to see if ...
Daymon Pugh July 28, 2017 at 1:32pm
Sign me up pro masters 12248
I'm betting they don't allow cashless pre reg for this PDGA Major
Darren Harper July 26, 2017 at 10:02pm
Is I-96 down to one lane out that way still,ie brewer,riverside.thanks
Not currently. When I drove back & forth from GR to Novi Monday & Tuesday, there were no lane closures. That's not to say it couldn't have changed. Here's a link that might help: http://mdotnetpublic.state.mi.us/drive/
Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler July 24, 2017 at 5:50pm
This weekend, Saturday 7/29 & Sunday 7/30, in preparation for the upcoming Pro Masters, we are looking for people who are willing & able to help with some course improvements at Grand Isle (aka GR Rotary). A couple of the main tasks we'll be taking on is leveling the teepads & filling in some of the holes around the course. If you are interested, please comment below or hit me up with a PM. We'll see about doing some lunch, as well & maybe get in a round of DG
robert r July 23, 2017 at 12:47am
Just had a chance to play fallasburg. Can't say enough good things about it. Also played rotary not so good. Are they playing the long tees on fallasburg for the worlds?
It depends on division for Longs/Shorts at Fallasburg. MPM and MPS are longs, while FPM, FPG, FPS/L, MPL, MPE and MPR are shorts.
mark ellis July 22, 2017 at 10:03pm
Course questions: I am guessing that Bluegill will be tee times and all 24 holes played. True? When will Fallasburg and Rotary be set up in Worlds final form ( all OB's marked, etc)? Oh and when will the schedule be finalized (the current schedule is listed as subject to change)?
Blue gill be will tee times as well as Black Falcon, all 24 at BG and all 20 at BF. Fallasburg should be more of less set now, only ob that will be marked there is the parking lot. A metal fence that runs along the road is the other defined line for OB there, as well as the river behind 16. Rotary ... more
Fred Vocino July 22, 2017 at 9:35pm
FYI Brewer-18 is ready to play. Some local pros are already tearing-it-up.
Jammie Letts July 21, 2017 at 6:43pm
Is Riverside ready for play yet?
Baskets were installed last night, it is in playable format but some tee pads still need to be installed but they are marked so you could play it in the championship layout
Samuel Sherwood July 19, 2017 at 2:59pm
Can I reg if I turn 40 this year?
Matt Peckham July 17, 2017 at 1:57pm
I'm out. :/
simon newman July 14, 2017 at 12:34am
I'm trying to pull out of this event. Tried contacting the the TDs but they said I need to do this through this site or the PDGA. I would have the thought the process would be a lot easier than this. Can someone help.
you received an email when you registered for this event from the disc golf scene and at the bottom of that email is a link to cancel and request refund. Use that link to request refund for that is how I process refunds for the PDGA events that I run
Mike Michalak July 12, 2017 at 1:18pm
i found this attached link for the preliminary schedule for Pro Master World http://www.pdga.com/files/2017_pro_master_worlds_schedule_draft_1.0.pdf
Jeff Bauman July 12, 2017 at 12:37pm
I keep hearing we're playing 6 rounds in 3 days before the semi finals. Is this true and when can we expect a schedule for pools, divisions etc.? Thanks!
Jeremy Lockwood July 5, 2017 at 3:07am
Will there be a discount for rooms at any of the hotels? Preferably the host hotel
This year, the Crowne Plaza Hotel (Grand Rapids) will be the central site for all tournament-related activities. Tournament check-in and the mandatory players’ meeting will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. They have provided a discounted rate of $124.00 + tax nightly rate, from August 5th to ... more
Hi Sue, you can use the link in your confirmation email to add to your registration. https://www.discgolfscene.com/help/view/19/i-registered-for-a-tournament-online-can-i-change-my-registration-info