2017 No Foolin

PDGA B/A-tier

Sat-Sun, May 20-21, 2017

Hosted by Ann Arbor Area Disc Induced Sports Club


  • Sat
    May 20

    7:30am - 8:30am

    Check in starts for both courses

    8:35am - 8:50am

    Player meeting


    Tee off

  • Sun
    May 21


    Player check in for all teeing off at 9 am

    9:00am at Independence Lake County Park

    Pool B will tee off at 9 am

    9:00am at Hudson Mills Metropark

    Tee times start with cards teeing off at 15 minute intervals for Pool A.
    Pool C will tee off at 9 am


MPO Mixed Pro Open $79
FPO Women's Pro Open $79
MPM Master $79
FPM Master Women $79
MPG GM $79
FPG GM Women $79
MPS Sr GM $79
FPS Sr GM Women $79
MPL Legend $79
MPE Sr Legend $79
MPR Grand Legend $79
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $75
FA1 Women's Am 1 $65
MM1 Adv Master $65
FM1 Adv Master Women $65
MG1 Adv GM $65
FG1 Adv GM Women $60
MS1 Adv Sr GM $65
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $65
FA2 Women's Am 2 $65
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $60
FA3 Women's Am 3 $60
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $60
FA4 Women's Am 4 $60
MJ1 Junior I - Boys $55
FJ1 Junior I - Girls $55
MJ2 Junior II - Boys $55
FJ2 Junior II - Girls $55

About this tournament

27th Annual No Foolin Discraft Feature Event
DISCRAFT STATE FEATURE EVENT 18 Berths will be available berth
When: May 20-21 (Player Pack and warmup round May 19th)
What: A Tier Ams
B Tier Pro , $500 Added
Where: Hudson Mills Both Courses 24 Holes
Independence Lake 24 Holes (Original layout)

150% am payout as at all State Feature Events
Signup First to receive a "Discraft 1st 45 disc" available for all feature events

Player Pack for all players(small item for pros as well valued at $8)
AM1/Am2 Player Pack Valued at $68+
AM3/Am4 Player Pack Valued at $75+

Player Pack to include:
1- Polo Dri-fit shirt
1- Tournament Disc exclusive to the event (Mini Buzz)
1- Discraft exclusive disc
1- Raffle Ticket for throw off (details below must be 18+ to participate)
1- Player Guide Towel
PDGA Player Fees, Pay2Play Fees/Facility fees(DOES NOT INCLUDE PARK ENTRY)
Additional Item Mens and Women AM3/4 Divisions:
1- Discraft Disc from A3 stock

Each AMATEUR player will receive a raffle ticket at the time of their player pack pickup. We will draw 35 lucky tickets, and they could have a chance to win $15,000. There are rules and regulations that will be explained at the player's meeting, but the throws start following the final round on Sunday! Come out to see the excitement!!

Pool Layouts will be:
Pool A (Pros - Men and Women - and Am1)
Independence Park Saturday, both rounds
1 round 24 of original course, 2nd round 24 of original course
Hudson Mills Monster course Sunday, long to champ baskets
Long pads during the entire tournament

Pool B (Grands and Am2)
Hudson Mills Saturday, both rounds
Independence Park Sunday
Short pads during the entire tournament

Pool C (Am3, Am4, women)
Hudson Mills Saturday, both rounds
Hudson Mills Original course Sunday
Short pads during entire tournament

150% to ams
Am3 and am4
[Entry fee - $52 pp deduction and PDGA fee]1.5
All other division
(Entry fee - $47 pp deduction)
Ie Am1 ($75 - $47)1.5= $42 per player payout

Friday, 5/19/17 from 5 - 8 pm at the Gulch
A friendly game can also be bought into for $10
All single cards must be turned in by 8 pm to compete in the friendly game, with prizes being awarded Sunday


Refund policy

Ann Arbor Disc Induced Sports Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.