2015 Scandinavian Open presented by Latitude 64º
PDGA Major · Wed-Sat, Jul 8-11, 2015Jul 2015 · Skellefteå, Sweden

2015 Scandinavian Open presented by Latitude 64º
PDGA Major · Professional
Wed-Sat, July 8-11, 2015
Hosted by Discgolf Terminalen
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Jul 68:00am - 12:00pm
Course Open only for competitors
08.00 - 24.00
Discgolf Terminalen8:00pm - 11:45am
Warm Up Party/Förfesten*
20.00 - 01.00
Discgolf Terminalen -
Jul 72:00pm - 6:00pm
14.00 - 18.00
Mandatory Player's Meeting
Discgolf Terminalen -
Jul 88:30am
First start round 1
Discgolf Terminalen -
Jul 98:30am
First start round 2
Discgolf Terminalen -
Jul 108:30am
First start round 3
Discgolf Terminalen7:30pm
Free Player's Dinner
O'Leary's Restaurant -
Jul 118:00am
First start final round
Discgolf Terminalen3:30pm
Prize Ceremony
15.30 - 16.15
For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
MPO | Mixed Pro Open | SEK 1,500 |
FPO | Women's Pro Open | SEK 1,500 |
About this tournament
1 round of play
Once again Skellefteå Discgolf has been awarded with a PDGA Major event.
The club has organized PDGA Majors both in 2008 and 2010 with a huge success. We had one of the biggest galleries in the disc golf history following the finals with close to 1000 paying visitors, and a few hundred every qualifying day.
Looking forward to 2015 with the help from many local sponsors and Big sponsors like Latitude 64° and Polfärskt AB will be even better. The course will have some small changes since the last time, but nothing dramatic. A few new hole designs have been constructed to spice up the already difficult and challenging course. The holes will have an average distance of 159,4m (523ft.) but they are not just long, placement and smart play is the key if you want to master the course. In Skellefteå we don't believe in a manufactured OB course, we want the player to play from the position they have set them self in, of course will we have OB's, 'cause we have waterholes, roads to protect etc. But you're not going to lose this tournament because of multiple penalty shots, you will win the tournament because you played the smartest game, stayed in the fairway and had the skills needed to recover from bad breaks.
This year the starting field is set to be 160 players divided in two divisions. (MPO and FPO). Registration is based on rating and will start with the highest rated players and with a monthly basis open up more spots for lower rated players.
Again, welcome to one of the hottest tournament for the 2015 season
Tomas Ekström
Tournament Director
Registration, check in and withdrawals
I understand that my PDGA membership has to be current during the competition.
I do understand that my position in the Scandinavian Open starting field is not guaranteed until full payment has been received.
I do understand that I have to show up current ID, passport or driving licence when I check in.
Withdrawals made:
after the 7th day prior to the start - no refunds, but the player shall be sent a player’s package if such one is provided.
before the 7th day prior to the start - 50% refund.
14 days prior to the start - 100% refund, less postage and handling, which shall not exceed 10% of the entry fee. Withdraws and Refunds, PDGA Rules Section 1.3
I understand my attendance at the player meeting is mandatory.
I understand that my attendance at the prize ceremony - if I have finished top 3 - is mandatory.
I agree to make myself available to the media before and/or after rounds.
I understand any picture(s) and/or video captured during the event may be used in future promotions.
I understand my name, hometown and personal picture will appear online before and during event coverage.
Dress and conduct
I agree to dress according to the dress code set by the PDGA while at the Discgolf Terminalen.
I agree to conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner both on and off the course, and in such a way that will not cause harm or embarrassment to anyone associated with the Scandinavian Open, Skellefteå Discgolf or the world community of Disc Golf.
Rules, laws and damages
I will not hold Skellefteå Discgolf, Discgolf Terminalen, the city of Skellefteå or any party connected with this tournament, liable for any injury or loss that I may incur while participating in the Scandinavian Open.
I agree to play in accordance with the PDGA Rules of Play that are in force during competition.
I agree to obey Swedish laws while attending the Scandinavian Open tournament week.
I understand that failure to abide by any of the above terms or conditions could result in my immediate disqualification.
Registrering, incheckning och avanmälan
Jag förstår att under tävlingen måste jag ha ett giltigt medlemskap i PDGA.
Jag förstår att min plats i startfältet i Scandinavian Open inte garanteras förrän full betalning är erlagd.
Jag förstår att jag vid incheckningen på Discgolf Terminalen måste kunna visa giltig ID-handling, pass eller körkort.
Avanmälan inlämnad:
efter 7:e dagen till start - ingen återbetalning, men till spelaren sänds ett spelarpaket om sådant tillhandahålls.
före 7:e dagen till start - 50% återbetalning,
14 dagar till start - 100% återbetalning, förutom omkostnader vilka inte får överstiga 10% av anmälningsavgiften. Avanmälan och återbetalning, PDGA Rules Section 1.3"
Jag förstår att jag måste närvara på spelarmötet.
Jag förstår att jag måste närvara på prisceremonin - om jag placerar mig bland "top 3".
Jag samtycker till att vara tillgänglig för media före och/eller efter rundorna.
Jag förstår att bilder och videofilmer som tagits under tävlingen kan användas i framtida marknadsföring.
Jag förstår att mitt namn, min hemstad och bilder på mig kan finnas online vid rapporteringen före och under tävlingen.
Klädsel och uppförande
Jag samtycker till att följa PDGA:s klädkod när jag befinner mig på Discgolf Terminalen.
Jag samtycker till att uppföra mig sportmannamässigt både på och utanför banan, och inte orsaka skada eller ger någon som deltar i Scandinavian Open dåligt rykte.
Regler, lagar and skadestånd
Jag kommer inte att hålla Skellefteå Discgolf, Skellefteå kommun eller någon part knuten till denna tävling, ansvarig för skada eller förlust som jag ådrar mig under deltagandet i Scandinavian Open.
Jag samtycker till att spela enligt PDGA:s gällande regler under tävlingen.
Jag samtycker till att följa svenska lagar och lokala bestämmelser.
Jag förstår att jag omedelbart kan bli diskvalicerad om jag inte följer ovanstående regler.
The club has organized PDGA Majors both in 2008 and 2010 with a huge success. We had one of the biggest galleries in the disc golf history following the finals with close to 1000 paying visitors, and a few hundred every qualifying day.
Looking forward to 2015 with the help from many local sponsors and Big sponsors like Latitude 64° and Polfärskt AB will be even better. The course will have some small changes since the last time, but nothing dramatic. A few new hole designs have been constructed to spice up the already difficult and challenging course. The holes will have an average distance of 159,4m (523ft.) but they are not just long, placement and smart play is the key if you want to master the course. In Skellefteå we don't believe in a manufactured OB course, we want the player to play from the position they have set them self in, of course will we have OB's, 'cause we have waterholes, roads to protect etc. But you're not going to lose this tournament because of multiple penalty shots, you will win the tournament because you played the smartest game, stayed in the fairway and had the skills needed to recover from bad breaks.
This year the starting field is set to be 160 players divided in two divisions. (MPO and FPO). Registration is based on rating and will start with the highest rated players and with a monthly basis open up more spots for lower rated players.
Again, welcome to one of the hottest tournament for the 2015 season
Tomas Ekström
Tournament Director
Registration, check in and withdrawals
I understand that my PDGA membership has to be current during the competition.
I do understand that my position in the Scandinavian Open starting field is not guaranteed until full payment has been received.
I do understand that I have to show up current ID, passport or driving licence when I check in.
Withdrawals made:
after the 7th day prior to the start - no refunds, but the player shall be sent a player’s package if such one is provided.
before the 7th day prior to the start - 50% refund.
14 days prior to the start - 100% refund, less postage and handling, which shall not exceed 10% of the entry fee. Withdraws and Refunds, PDGA Rules Section 1.3
I understand my attendance at the player meeting is mandatory.
I understand that my attendance at the prize ceremony - if I have finished top 3 - is mandatory.
I agree to make myself available to the media before and/or after rounds.
I understand any picture(s) and/or video captured during the event may be used in future promotions.
I understand my name, hometown and personal picture will appear online before and during event coverage.
Dress and conduct
I agree to dress according to the dress code set by the PDGA while at the Discgolf Terminalen.
I agree to conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner both on and off the course, and in such a way that will not cause harm or embarrassment to anyone associated with the Scandinavian Open, Skellefteå Discgolf or the world community of Disc Golf.
Rules, laws and damages
I will not hold Skellefteå Discgolf, Discgolf Terminalen, the city of Skellefteå or any party connected with this tournament, liable for any injury or loss that I may incur while participating in the Scandinavian Open.
I agree to play in accordance with the PDGA Rules of Play that are in force during competition.
I agree to obey Swedish laws while attending the Scandinavian Open tournament week.
I understand that failure to abide by any of the above terms or conditions could result in my immediate disqualification.
Registrering, incheckning och avanmälan
Jag förstår att under tävlingen måste jag ha ett giltigt medlemskap i PDGA.
Jag förstår att min plats i startfältet i Scandinavian Open inte garanteras förrän full betalning är erlagd.
Jag förstår att jag vid incheckningen på Discgolf Terminalen måste kunna visa giltig ID-handling, pass eller körkort.
Avanmälan inlämnad:
efter 7:e dagen till start - ingen återbetalning, men till spelaren sänds ett spelarpaket om sådant tillhandahålls.
före 7:e dagen till start - 50% återbetalning,
14 dagar till start - 100% återbetalning, förutom omkostnader vilka inte får överstiga 10% av anmälningsavgiften. Avanmälan och återbetalning, PDGA Rules Section 1.3"
Jag förstår att jag måste närvara på spelarmötet.
Jag förstår att jag måste närvara på prisceremonin - om jag placerar mig bland "top 3".
Jag samtycker till att vara tillgänglig för media före och/eller efter rundorna.
Jag förstår att bilder och videofilmer som tagits under tävlingen kan användas i framtida marknadsföring.
Jag förstår att mitt namn, min hemstad och bilder på mig kan finnas online vid rapporteringen före och under tävlingen.
Klädsel och uppförande
Jag samtycker till att följa PDGA:s klädkod när jag befinner mig på Discgolf Terminalen.
Jag samtycker till att uppföra mig sportmannamässigt både på och utanför banan, och inte orsaka skada eller ger någon som deltar i Scandinavian Open dåligt rykte.
Regler, lagar and skadestånd
Jag kommer inte att hålla Skellefteå Discgolf, Skellefteå kommun eller någon part knuten till denna tävling, ansvarig för skada eller förlust som jag ådrar mig under deltagandet i Scandinavian Open.
Jag samtycker till att spela enligt PDGA:s gällande regler under tävlingen.
Jag samtycker till att följa svenska lagar och lokala bestämmelser.
Jag förstår att jag omedelbart kan bli diskvalicerad om jag inte följer ovanstående regler.
Refund policy
Discgolf Terminalen is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.