2014 Trilogy Challenge at Sims Park
Comments 10 following
About this tournament
Larry Bright Jr. July 8, 2014 at 1:10am
I linked all the scores that I could. If yours isn't linked and you'd like it to be done, please message me with the email address you use for this site and I will add it.
Thanks again for coming out for a great day of disc golf!!
Mark Bradbourne July 7, 2014 at 6:55am
Larry, my round was a 75 if you want to add it. Sorry we couldn't stick around but we had a blast
Larry Bright Jr. July 7, 2014 at 6:28am
for those who left after round 1 and did not return scorecards, you can message me your scores and i will add them if you'd like.
there was also a keychain that is round and black with a face and a pocket light that was left at the pavilion. if this belongs to anybody, please let me know and I will get them back to you.
okay. it's in my trunk. i'll hang on to it. where are you from?
dan wu July 7, 2014 at 2:59am
Great job Larry, solid event !!
Bill "The Ninja" Savage July 7, 2014 at 2:31am
Grreat time, grrreater peoples, awsome time had! Thanks Larry!!!!!!
Mickey Anderson July 7, 2014 at 1:35am
Beautiful day! great course and a great tourny Larry! Heck even a few nature shots at Sims
Larry Bright Jr. July 7, 2014 at 1:30am
and thanx to Mickey for all the great pics!! check them out on the "Pictures" tab!! i'll get a few more i took up later!! feel free to add any you have to the page too!!
Larry Bright Jr. July 7, 2014 at 1:29am
Thanks to everyone for coming out today!! It was nice to see so many new faces come out to have some fun and support local disc golf!! I hope everyone likes their discs and had a good time!! I know I do and did!!
Congrats to all the winners!! Congrats to Kipper taking 1st with a -13 down on the day in Advanced and Tim Kaihlanen for taking the General division with a +1!! Great shooting with some unfamiliar discs!! I'll work on linking the scores in the coming days. Final results a ...
Matthew McAlpine July 5, 2014 at 10:32pm
Are there any extra players packs?
Larry Bright Jr. July 5, 2014 at 6:19pm
the weather is going to be perfect tomorrow!! low 80's and sunny!! i'll be down there about 9 and will be at the pavilion near hole #2's tee!!
no problem!! if this goes well, there will be more like this to come at sims and punderson!!
Larry Bright Jr. June 28, 2014 at 7:44pm
40 players have officially signed up!!! the player packs have been ordered and i've even got a few extra goodies coming for side games like ctps and a ring of fire!! registration starts at 9:15 next Sunday and we will hopefully tee off by 10 am!! you can check in and grab your discs once registration begins. there will be a small players meeting to discuss side games and rules before each round. some alternate tees are also planned for round 2 to mix it up a bit!! thanx again to all who pre-registered!!
Mark Bradbourne June 27, 2014 at 4:19pm
40 players, should be a great day!
Larry Bright Jr. June 26, 2014 at 2:11pm
i have extended pre-registration until 2 PM today!! i will be ordering the packs tonight, so this is your last chance!! don't miss out, as there will be no player packs available the day of the event if you have not pre-registered!!
Larry Bright Jr. June 25, 2014 at 1:16am
pre-registration for the 2014 Trilogy Challenge at Sims Park closes tomorrow!! this event is pre-pay only!! don't miss out!! $30 bucks gets you 3 discs and some other goodies and includes your entry into the tourney!! help support local disc golf, as all proceeds will benefit our local course!!
Larry Bright Jr. June 19, 2014 at 12:25am
Registration will be open for one more week!! Don't miss out!! No extra player packs will be purchased, so make sure you get registered before the end of the day on 6/25/14!!
Larry Bright Jr. May 4, 2014 at 5:09pm
Online registration is set up!! Sorry for the delay, but we are good to go now!! Registration will be open through June 30th. Don't miss out on the chance to throw these discs before they are released!!
Larry Bright Jr. April 19, 2014 at 12:58am
registration via paypal will be set up next weekend and posted here on the site. i will let everyone know who has inquired via message once it's ready and will of course post it up here on the event board. they posted the discs today on facebook....here's a link if you are interested.
hoping the thief is gonna be teebird-ish like the testers are saying.
Larry Bright Jr. February 17, 2014 at 6:46am
registration list will be updated for paid players. paypal will be added in the near future as i work out some logistics. cash will be taken at any events, be it leagues or tourneys. checks or cash can also be mailed if so desired. i'll make updates to the page here as they are available.
Larry Bright Jr. February 12, 2014 at 4:01am
it's official!! i'll get the registration started ASAP. prepay will be setup by the end of the week via paypal. other options can be discussed via message or at local events. stay tuned!!
Mike Thomas February 4, 2014 at 5:39pm
#62435 I'm in
i'll add it!! glad you guys had a good time and i hope you enjoy the discs!!