Comments 107 following
About this tournament
James Gaves April 19, 2014 at 2:10am
James Gaves - i would like to volunteer for Sunday with my wife. 810-610-5428
Kyle H April 17, 2014 at 6:38am
My name is Kyle hacker. I will be able to volunteer all three days along with a buddy of mine at Kensington. You can reach me at 248 765 3637. Very excited about this event and helping out.
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Denny Segar April 16, 2014 at 5:56am
I'm able to be a spotter on Friday and Sunday if you still are in need and I can bring a friend. my number is 269-274-5347.
Thanks Danny! We're always in need of good help, especially on that Friday. See you guys soon.
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Matthew lamay April 14, 2014 at 5:21am
I'm able to spot Saturday at Hudson mills and Saturday at Kensington, also can bring at least 2 buddies haven't spread the word yet. 313-999-0455
Awesome, thanks Matthew. The more, the merrier and we appreciate it. We'll contact you when we get closer!
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Lynn Martinez April 10, 2014 at 12:57am
My husband (Jose) and I would like to spot, Friday and Saturday 269 339 7005. Thanks
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Mike Dodd April 7, 2014 at 1:00am
i will be available to spot all days if possible. 517 304 3124 i can also most likely get another two people for a couple days
Mike D, with the master plan!! Sweet man that's a huge huge help. You and your crew will be greatly appreciated. See ya soon!!
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Rich P. April 3, 2014 at 7:19pm
I'm interested in spotting on Saturday May 31. Feel free to give me a call at 248-505-6491. Thanks!
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Elijah Wykes March 31, 2014 at 6:25am
62104 rec please
Matt Fluture March 28, 2014 at 6:39am
Totally interested in spotting! For right now I'm available Saturday for sure. I can be reached at 586-722-4437.
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Jeff Kaluk March 23, 2014 at 12:57am
I signed up Andrew Kaluk 35027, MA1, not me. Just confirming since it says me on the feed. Yes i know it is correct on registered page. Thanks
Sam Wallace March 19, 2014 at 12:31am
I'm interested in spotting. I can do all three days.
My number is 434-426-2742.
Thanks Sam, see you soon! Your number is a 734 area code, right?
Sean Mannooch March 10, 2014 at 5:08pm
I am interested in spotting, It would have to be Saturday or Sunday or both cause I only have the weekends off.
I can be reached at 810-333-2773. I will ask around to some friends and see if they are interested too!
Thanks Sean! The extra help is GREATLY appreciated! ..Man, you guys are gonna make this easy! Remember too that spotters are needed the weekend after this at USADGC, so keep that in mind, too. I'll round everyone up as we get closer.
USADGC link: http://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/2014_PDGA_UNITED_STATES_AMATEUR_DISC_GOLF_CHAMPIONSHIP
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Scott Hespen March 10, 2014 at 8:11am
I am definitely interested in spotting for the DGLO again!
I can be reached at (734)646-2310
I also know I have at least one or two others who would be interested so I'll spread the word.
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Eric McCahill March 10, 2014 at 7:02am
DGLO 2014 NEEDS SPOTTERS!! Volunteers will receive a tee shirt, lunch, and 1 Discraft disc per hour of their choice!!! Tourney days start at 7am and go til about 5 or 6pm, so there's a lot of plastic to be earned.. Sign up here on the Talk tab if you're interested, even if you're not sure which days yet. Please include your phone number or private message me. Thanks and help spread the word!! Bring a buddy, too!!
(The US Amateur Disc Golf Championship needs spotters the weekend ...
Joey "ThaSicknaz" Gulyas March 5, 2014 at 5:39pm
Would like to be contacted to be a spotter.
I've got you down for 2 volunteers, Saturday and Sunday for both weekends. That's how you do it. Thanks Joey!!
I think you're playing... but: Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before to ... more
Michael Lee Cook February 28, 2014 at 9:21pm
Can't wait
Grant McMullen February 21, 2014 at 7:59pm
when can we register?
I believe registration will be online within 24 hours of my post ...
Brandon Redmond February 20, 2014 at 2:11pm
This is listed as an unsanctioned event?
Brandon Redmond February 20, 2014 at 2:07pm
I look forward to this.
Thanks James, we appreciate it and look forward to seeing both of you out there! See ya soon.
Any course preference, Kensington vs. Hudson Mills?
nope we will be where ever you need us :-)
That's what I like to hear. See ya!
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel ... more
Update, just in case: Official DGLO Volunteer / Spotter Round-Up Times: Hudson Mills: Saturday- 9am,tSunday- 8am Kensington:tFriday & Saturday- 8:30, Sunday- 9am (10-15 volunteers needed at each park, each day) These times are a half hour before tournament tee off at that park. Feel free to show up / check in earlier. Volunteers will be taken on a first come, first served basis, with preference given to veteran volunteers. Be sure to show up on time even if you are a veteran! A waiting list will be made if we end up with more volunteers than needed at a given time. We'll also try to shift help around to the "other" park if there is an imbalance. If interested, please consider helping at Hudson Mills on Sat / Sun, especially if you live closer to that park. (so we don't end up with everyone going to Kensington..) If we have a serious overflow of help in the morning, we may do some sort of CTP and / or offer caddying services to the players. The goal is to accommodate as many volunteers as possible and not turn too many away if we can. Hopefully we'll be right where we need to be help-wise.