
2012 Spring Invitational

Singles tournament · Sat, Mar 24, 2012Mar 2012 · Hutchinson, KS

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Dimond Cutter looks like my weekend just freed itself up...
Mar 21, 2012
Rick Petrie Bazinga! Count me in... and I think we've got at least one car load of Manhattan DFOK members ready to roll.

Now I'm going to find out if this new tablet thing I've got can sign me up... the ultimate test (nerd alert).
Mar 14, 2012
Josh Carroll Hey, don't worry about it! There is still plenty of time to get the word out. I'll be prepared to give an announcement at the next League round. It was great to play with League Members again and I look forward to competing with everyone in the LCM Ice Bowl this Saturday! Jan 30, 2012
Rick Petrie
Josh, At today's (flint hills league) pre-round meeting, I wanted to have you give everybody a quick heads up about this Hutch tourney you're planning. However, I forgot toss it to you so you could ... show more ›
Jan 30, 2012
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