2012 Bag Tag Finale
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Mr CLEAN October 16, 2012 at 12:24am
everbody can view my pics of the finale in my album...except beast lol.
Mr CLEAN October 16, 2012 at 12:22am
try and wrap your brain around this. i could have not played 5 holes...thats 15 strokes! can you do the math brotha? its alot! but dallas was fun with ya.
THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS October 15, 2012 at 8:18am
Funny how after Dallas Mr. Clean had a 14 stroke lead on me but finished the series with a 15 stroke lead on me. Nice work bro, maybe I should warm up like you do. I played more disc golf this weekend than I did in the last month. Had a great time.
THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS October 14, 2012 at 5:40pm
That's right, at Dallas I threw mostly disc that were recently returned to me or new, at Keizer I went will tried and true methods. Mr. Clean, you beat me by 14 strokes at Dallas but only by 3 at Keizer:) It's nice to see you scoring with the leaders now, good job!
Mr CLEAN October 14, 2012 at 8:38am
holy shietz! beast i am sorry, who ever stole your car, bag, and disc must have taken your "game" with it i see...but you had fun right?
Mr CLEAN October 13, 2012 at 10:27am
anybody consider any of the other park users...bugs the **** out of me when CCDG acts like we own the courses> share the park and think safty for all that are there...cause realy if were doing this stupid layout then no one else will be able to play the courses!
THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS October 13, 2012 at 9:52am
I may NOT be one of the "cool kids" but I can promise you I will leave with a smile, WIN, LOOSE, or DRAW I will have fun. Thats all that maters right? Focus on the prize$ too much, you might miss the point and end up like the "PREZ", good game but head too fat to fit a SMILE on it.
Erik "Easy E" Etherton October 13, 2012 at 7:49am
first off let me say what ever lay out we play i will kill and second im thinking about the club as a whole not just our "elite" players, perfect example, hole six at dallas getting tee pad pushed back its a very small landing area and the majority of people are gonna land in the river in what is already gonna be a wet and nasty day and i think these new layouts take our less accomplished players out of the running at all and honestly its about everyone in the club and not just the c ... more
THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS October 13, 2012 at 7:37am
All good points, yet you guys don't TD events so how could you understand all the work that goes in to it. The fact of the mater is that as a TD you have privileges to maximize enjoyment for the players as YOU see fit. If you acomidated everyone by vote or tossing around ideas, the event would NEVER happen. Thanks Chris W. for your effort, funky format and layout changes to maximize fun for us. With that being said, NO WOODMANSEE??? My only ****:)
Erik "Easy E" Etherton October 13, 2012 at 6:12am
they tried this same deal up at heiders to make 18 holes and used some of the same tee pads and baskets for multiple holes and it was a disaster, you have alot of holes layed out to criss cross and its not gonna work. the pads dont point in he right directions and with the rain your gonna have a tone of people falling and very pissed off by the end of the day! this kind of deciecion should be made by a vote or something. nobody is going to want to play this layout. leave the courses the way they are and call it good or are you really that scared of not taking first place!
Steve Moore October 13, 2012 at 1:23am
Yea, I was wondering same thing other day but have kept it to myself so far. I believe it will only add to confusion to all unless it's all well marked out, even then feel all courses should be played in a 'normal' layout for the day. Also feel that OB's for dallas need to be clear for all as I've heard and played couple different ob's there. To keep scoring even as possible confusion of OB rules between different player cards can have effect on overall scores.
Dallas Trower October 13, 2012 at 1:02am
You gotta be jokin me on this safari layout. we cant just play all four courses in the normal layouts everyone plays them everyday? Cascades saferi is a little outta hand. normal 18 on all four courses seems alot easier for such a big event.
Steven Egler September 19, 2012 at 2:07am
nice stamp!!!! is that going on a disc or t shirts??????
Erik "Easy E" Etherton September 17, 2012 at 10:19am
i honestly think the stamp is killer and who ever came up with it deserves props for sure, by far the best ccdg stamp iv seen lol the river fair stamp was lame as hell lmao good come back!!
Steve Moore September 17, 2012 at 8:14am
I guess as far as design of stamp and anything going on with finale you would have to talk to Chris W. Other then dates and times now announced all else has been hush hush it seems. First I heard of it was when it got posted on here. See you all then.
THE "BEAST" OF THE WOODS September 16, 2012 at 9:56pm
I fixed it:)
Steve Moore September 16, 2012 at 9:51pm
So what is the proper time for Sunday at Cascade please. It states 11:00 with 10:00 tee time. Just curious what is up. Thank you.
Jason "Rooster" Bruster September 16, 2012 at 9:32pm
I love the stamp!!!