1st Annual Shoot the Squirrel

PDGA logoSunday, September 3, 2017 at Mosquito Lake State Park in Cortland, Ohio
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

1st Annual Shoot the Squirrel graphic

About this tournament

This will be an annual Labor Day weekend event brought to you by The Disc Junky. We will play 2 rounds of 18 holes at Squirrel Run DGC at Mosquito Lake State Park (next to the dog park).

The first 50 ametuer entrants will get a players pack that will include a WhyDry chalk bag and a Trilogy family disc (Lucid Convict, Lucid Criminal, Biofuzion Trespass, Biofuzion EMac Truth, or BT Medium Harp) both with the tournament logo on them.

The Friends of Mosquito Lake will be on site offering food and beverages for purchase for lunch. Water and snacks will be available on the course at no charge courtesy of The Disc Junky.

We will have a raffle with some sweet merchandise provided by one of our co-sponsors Dynamic Discs, to go to the Young's Run Basket Improvement Fundraiser and a $2 Ace pot. If no ace is hit we will do a Ring of Fire throw-off for ALL the money. Will also have CTPs sponsored by our friends at Borderline Discs.

All divisions will play the longs tees for all holes. The tee pads will NOT be installed before this event but it is in September so I don't expect this to be an issue. Payouts will meet or exceed the PDGA standards.

Cashless pre-reg is now open. Just comment name, division, and PDGA # and I'll get you added.

Refund policy

The Disc Junky is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/33275
Round 1: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1B. J. Reiher5657113
2Shawn Babella6059119
Round 1: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Ron McCollum5355108
2Chuck Coristin5555110
2Trevor Murphy5456110
4W. Grainger Kingsbery II5858116
5Luke Shelton5862120
Round 1: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Sam Court4959108
2Joshua Charlton5856114
2Tim Kramer5856114
4Brian Campbell5957116
5Cory Byknish5860118
Round 1: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Josh Dean6458122
2Norm Reiher6260122
3DJ Kozlowski5765122
4Justin Popson6461125
5Mat Minich7372145
Round 1: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Mosquito Lake State Park - Main course 18-hole Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Corey DeLaratta6159120
2Dustin DeVengencie7170141
3Joe Vega7483157
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