For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
› Registrants must be current PDGA members through 2025.
**AM Player Pack Only** If selecting to get both choose shirt size below
T-shirt size or disc. After March 15th you will only get a disc.
Please choose your hoodie size. Registrations after March 15th at 6pm will not be guaranteed the correct size.
If you are a pro who would like to purchase a shirt or Am looking to purchase a second shirt.
Available until March 24 at 8:00pm CDT
If you are a pro who would like to purchase a hoodie or Am looking to purchase a second hoodie.
**Pro Only** Pro payout will be with paypal. Please enter paypal email for payments here. If other payment is required please state in this field above.
Tournament refund / cancellation policy Oklahoma City Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. refund policy charges a non-refundable handling fee of $1.84 per registration.