16th Annual Seneca Spring Fling driven by Innova Disc Golf

PDGA logoSat-Sun, April 10-11, 2021 at Shaver Recreation Center in Seneca, South Carolina
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

16th Annual Seneca Spring Fling driven by Innova Disc Golf graphic
Added cash $2,000

About this tournament

180 total Players – (2 Pools worth of 90 players). 1 pool on OG and 1 on Gold. Flip courses at lunch both days

Pool A: MPO/MP40/MP50/FPO/MA1/MA40/MA2
Pool B: MA50/MA60/MA3/FA1/FA2/MJ18/MJ15/FJ18/FJ12

Pools may change slightly due to number of registrants.

Refund policy

Down South Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. (After March 27th) Full Refund for all divisions if spot filled by another player.

If spot not filled Options for Ams are Players Pack, or future entry to a DSD tournament(equal value). If Pro Spot is not filled options are half refund or future entry to a DSD tournament(equal value). No refunds for Waitlist per PDGA rules.
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