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12th Wrightwood Ice Bowl at Sky High Disc Golf

Sunday, May 14, 2023 at Sky High Disc in Wrightwood, California
Disc golf singles tournament

12th Wrightwood Ice Bowl at Sky High Disc Golf graphic

About this tournament

The 12th annual Wrightwood Ice Bowl is a little late this year because of all the snow, like over 10’. Mother Nature heard Bill was moving to Alaska and took that as a snow challenge.

The Ice Bowl is a fun event meant to help St. Vincent de Paul of the Pines. To date, the Ice Bowl has donated over $11,000, with last year being the best donation of $2,111. Bring the family out for a beautiful Mother’s Day in the mountains.

And, a casual warmup round before the Mountain Meltdown the following weekend.

1 Round of 18-holes: front & back 9’s
Player pack includes: 1-Champion Disc & 5-Mulligans
Mulligans are $1 each, $20 = 25 Mulligans
$60 = 75 Mulligans + 1-Halo Roc3, Destroyer, Teebird or Firebird
$40 = 50 Mulligans + 1-Halo Roc3, Destroyer, Teebird or Firebird
Raffle prizes - DISCatcher® EZ, Excursion Pack & Lot’s o’ discs
Awards for: Open, Advanced, Rec/Novice, Women & Juniors
Optional $2 Ace Pool - If no Ace is hit, the entire pot goes to charity.

Refund policy

Loren Price is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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