12th Annual Fox Chase Ice Bowl

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Hosted by Albemarle Disc Golf Association



MPO Mixed Pro Open $60
FPO Women's Pro Open $60
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $60
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $30
FA1 Women's Am 1 $30
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $30
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $30
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $30
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $30
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $30
FA3 Women's Am 3 $30
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $30

About this tournament

2 Rounds from the short tees at Fox Chase DGC!

BRING A TON OF CANNED FOODS – The heavier the better!
8am to 9am – Check In

You need to be checked in by this time or you could forfeit your spot. If you have additional business with the TD, arrive as early as possible.

9:30am – Mandatory Players Meeting.

Digital Scorecard: Code: 55555

10:00am – 1st Round Begins


2nd Round – Will begin 1 hour after the last card is turned in from the first round.

Awards and Payouts will be after the last round. We’ll hustle to get everyone home as early as possible.

‐ All Ams will receive a shirt.
‐ PDGA C-Tier

Course Rules:

The only OB is the creek behind #5. If you find that creek on another hole, consider yourself OB. The rest of the water on the course is casual.

- NO MANDO on #3.
- NO OB on the left side of #4
- OB creek and beyond on #5. Standard OB rules apply.
- NO OB on the left side of #6.

If you have a question, work it out with your group. If you can’t come to a resolution, throw a provisional. Absolutely no alcohol or drugs in the park or during PDGA play. You will be immediately disqualified.

Special thanks to: Albemarle Disc Golf Association, the competitors, and everyone who cleaned up the course and helped make this event happen.

Don’t forget Canned Goods – There is a Food Lion right beside the course.

Refund policy

Albemarle Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.