10th Annual Galion Pickle Run DG Tournament

PDGA logoSunday, July 7, 2024 at Reservoir Ridge DGC in Galion, Ohio
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

10th Annual Galion Pickle Run DG Tournament graphic


Tournament DirectorEric Webber
Troop Board Secretary Greg Makeever

About this tournament

Very well maintained and beautiful course with elevation. 24 holes for a full day of fun! ob's make for a challengingcourse that is fun to play! 2 rounds of 24 holes, live scoring, trophies sponsored for up to 8 divisions, enormous selection of discs including some very collectable discs!, side games, numerous am player pack options, etc.... Be a part of the fun 10 years running strong!
MPO, MP40 and MA1 will play longs all day. MA2 WILL PLAY ONE ROUND SHORT AND ONE ROUND LONG. All other players play shorts all day.

Refund policy

The Troop is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. In accordance with PDGA Rule 1.03, a $5 handling fee will be deducted from all refund requests up to the registration cutoff date/ time. No refund will be granted for any/ all requests beyond the reg. deadline date/time.



Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/79125
1Joseph Cruz6462$330
2Nick Schultz6664$230
3Andy Martin6566$180
4Tanner Cuffman6569$140
5Brendan Beeney6471$110
6Chris Hardaway6868$74
6Joel Sheeley6769$74
6Brian Stang7066$74
9Justin Sartin6671$44
10Ben Creger6969
10Mike Hill6672
10Henry Schlabach7167
13Austin Pfaff7268
13Matthew Pilch6872
15Trevor McFadden6972
16Shawn Wright Jr7270
17Eric Davis7469
18Matt Warnement7273
19Trevor Donahue7770
19Jason Guthridge7473
21Devin Herring7573
22Ryan Perry8477
1Preston Elchert7269$44
2Tyler Mesnard7374
1Ron Lawson7165$50
2Joseph Bishop6771$30
2Jim Petite7068$30
4Nate Randall7675
5Christopher Radebaugh8078
1James D White6873$60
2PK Deaner7470$40
3Ray Spring7381$32
4Shawn Randall Sr7877
5Kevin Inscore8177
6Kevin Whitlock999999
1Logan Forro7168$70
2Jeremy Rall6675$60
3Sage Brewer6874$45
3Bryan Simpson6874$45
5Jake Marzulli6974$22
6Ryan Wilhelm6876
7Wayne Harpster7276
8Jared Baker7377
9Justin Keenan7577
10Jeremy Pilch7479
11Casey Mours76999
1Matthew Bertram6873$80
2Rico Maranan7171$70
3Zack Fields7172$60
4Lance Stevenson7074$60
5Mike Blake7273$50
6Aaron Snanigan6880$50
6Cody Trout7276$50
8Heath Dawson7772$40
9Nic Rehl7179$40
10Ryan Gecks7379$30
11Eric Newell8074$30
11Dean Smith8074$30
13Douglas Clark7976$24
14Micah Andrews8472$8
14Tyler Cochran7977$8
14Nathan Whitman7977$8
17Billy Kosco7979
17Erik Marmet7583
17Levi Vermillion8078
20Travis Hare8080
20Dylan Pratt8377
22Nick Kapottos8082
23Ray Gruber7689
24Ryan Shirley7988
25Rowan Kempf8089
25Adrian Smalls8386
27Eric Householder70999
28Chase Connor87999
29Samuel Benedict999999
1Jaden Keenan7272$80
2Jay Harding7376$70
3Shawn Wright7875$60
4Nathaniel Brown7778$50
4Corey Hostetler8075$50
6Cory Inscore7482$40
7Kyle Renner7582$30
8Matthew Berry8178$30
8Ray Suen7782$30
10Mark Stuckert8674$22
11Ronald Bishop7685
12Carl Baldwin8280
12Deano Frankart7785
14Eric Miller8482
14Amanda Sisson8482
16Drew R Marett8285
17Mason Pierce8189
18Bryce Butler8989
19Scott Brukwinski9393
20Jason Josaitis10095
21Gerald Jasinski80999
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