Well, for an extra $50 you could get whatever you wanted (your name, company, favorite meme, ect.) p ...
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Well, for an extra $50 you could get whatever you wanted (your name, company, favorite meme, ect.) put on a tee sign that you get to keep after the tournament. Unfortunately it's beyond the dead line to have them made by the tournament.
Josef Schneider
Hey Jason! Do you have any idea yet how tee times will work on Saturday? I know it's early but just curious if that's something you may know yet Jul 8, 2022
Jason McConnell Jul 8, 2022Depending on the size of the field will determine when we start, 7-8amish. Starting with MA3 and ending with MPO.
Jason McConnell
Sorry for delaying registration. PayPal froze our account, because Ollie"Boothe"North funded the Contras, now they want 24 hours to verify the account for the third time. F*** PayPal. We will go old school(cash) if this does not work by Tuesday. Jun 18, 2022
Bryan Vernetson Jun 19, 2022Thanks!!! Will the registration reopen at a set time later this week or something? Or will we just need to recheck the registration page?
Max Abrahamson
Hey, experiencing issue with PayPal during registration. PayPal error says that the merchant is unable to process the request. Jun 18, 2022
Jason McConnell Jun 18, 2022Thank you for letting us know. Will get that working asap.
Jason McConnell Jun 10, 2022Our NOCO club members have early access to our tournaments. Purchasing a tag makes you a member, registration opens for everyone June 18.