Toronto Island Maple Leaf - 2020

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Mon, September 5-7, 2020

Hosted by Kenneth Little


  • Fri
    Sep 4


    Digital player's meetings with divisional breakout rooms (tentative)

  • Sat
    Sep 5


    Tee times beginning 09:30

  • Sun
    Sep 6


    Tee times beginning 09:30

  • Mon
    Sep 7


    Tee times beginning 09:30


MPO Mixed Pro Open C$90
FPO Women's Pro Open C$90
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ C$90
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ C$90
MA1 Mixed Am 1 C$50
FA1 Women's Am 1 C$50
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ C$50
FA40 Women's Am 40+ C$50
MA2 Mixed Am 2 C$50
FA2 Women's Am 2 C$50
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 C$30
MJ08 Mixed Junior 8 C$30

About this tournament

Welcome to the return of the Toronto Island Maple Leaf - 2020 Edition [B-tier pending PDGA sanctioning]

City Approval Received! (9/1)

This year has produced new obstacles and realities that we must all contend with during our tournament planning and everyday lives. Below I have set out some key expectations and guidance for this years TIML.

-Three days of tee times September 5, 6 and 7
Tee assignments subject to change
MPO, MP40 - 3 rounds from Longs
FPO, MP50, MA1 - 1 round from Longs
All other divisions - 3 rounds from Shorts
Juniors may have designated separate tees

-Our pontiff of prodigious prose, the one and only Mr. Bee, will be back on the decks and in our hearts with his introductions on at least the final day of tee times

-No players meetings, parties, or award ceremony gatherings will be held in person; however, do expect several digital meetings to fill these holes in hopes of bringing this wonderful community back together for some digital high-fivery and gentle jousting.

-Expect MVP (minimum viable product) TD vibes. Former Island TD's do leave large footprints I do not intend to fill this year given personal and community constraints of 2020. My goal is to have a financially transparent (in full), clean, easy, and low drama event. Let's maximize the fun, the island vibes, and the payouts! NO PLAYER'S PACK AM/PRO OUT OF ENTRY FEES.

-Local island food options (AT ADDITIONAL COSTS, NOT IN ENTRY FEES) are being worked out, but expect we may need to have individuals bring their lunch or buy on their own given food service constraints with COVID.

-Last but no least, SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY. All measures that are advised to be taken by the province, city and PDGA will be followed. Strict adherence to COVID-19 protocol for outdoor, socially distanced events will be provided at the outset of the tournament and input from the community will be heard and discussed. However, we will be asking everyone to strictly adhere to these guidelines from ferry to ferry (or taxi to taxi). The island is a great and amazing community, but it is also a privilege not a right, for us to have an annually recurring permit so we must be on our best behaviour the whole weekend.

Land Acknowledgement

I believe it is also important for us as a disc golf community to be connected in full to the land our courses and tournaments are held upon. Tkaronto, and specifically the former moving sandbar upon which whom's shore has been concreted into the Toronto Islands, is a site of significant importance to many indigenous communities. I would invite you to watch the video link below for an incredible short video on the history of Tkaronto.

Refund policy

Kenneth Little is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.