The Salmon River Disc Golf Tournament

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Sun, June 6-7, 2015

Hosted by The Siskiyou Aliens



MPO Mixed Pro Open $75
FPO Women's Pro Open $75
MPM Master $75
MPG GM $75
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $55
FA1 Women's Am 1 $55
MG1 Adv GM $55
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $55
FA2 Women's Am 2 $55
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $55

About this tournament

Hi everyone we are really excited to announce the Salmon River Disc Golf Tournament Pro-Am June 6-7 2015 B Tier with an added $2300 to the Pro purse. We put on a very successful non-sanction tournament last year same time and it was a blast, everyone had a great time so were doing it again, hope you can make it.

There will be 2 rounds on Saturday, and one round Sunday, followed up by a final nine for the top 5 Open Pro Men. There will be CTP prizes on each round, Sunday after final nine there will have a raffle and awards. On the back nine by the river there is a large open field where we will have a long Distance Drive Competition. The winner will have his/hers name engraved on a Salmon River rock which will remain at the course for all to see for all time. Also there will be hot band which will be playing at the Salmon River Saloon.

Camping: This is a CAMPING ONLY Tournament; (Sorry no Dogs will be allowed on the Disc Golf course or in Camping areas that are in the Disc golf area). There are no hotels within a 2-hour Drive. Nestled in the Siskiyou County Trinity Alps on the Salmon River, you will be camping and playing disc golf in one of the most beautiful places on the Planet. The camping fee is $20 for up to 3 nights per person.

There will be porta-potties and 2 outdoor showers available as well as bathrooms in the bar. No open fires are allowed, however you may use a cook/camp stove. You are welcome bring a RV and park it at one of the campsites that allow vehicles, but there are no RV hook ups. Vehicle parking will be designated and within easy walking distance to camp sites, the course and the saloon.

On the property right below hole 9 is the Salmon River Saloon which has a full bar. On site there is gas and diesel for sale, as well as: ice, sandwiches, ice cream,snacks and drinks.

Meals: The Salmon River Saloon will be offering a variety of tasty meals thru out the Tournament please help us plan by per-ordering the meals you would like to purchase when you register. In the players pack you will receive a voucher for Saturdays Lunch.

Directions: The following is a guide to driving to the course. The first thing to know, is that the Salmon River Road is narrow, and that other people live here and drive this road. So, please, take your time, enjoy the scenery, and be courteous. The road is paved all the way. Please note that GPS is unreliable in this country. Don't be a "GPS Refugee"!!

Directions from the Coast: Take Highway 299 to Willow Creek. Left on Highway 96. After 45 miles, right turn on Salmon River Road. At Forks of Salmon (17 miles up), take a right turn on South Fork Salmon Cecilville Road, and the course will be 17.5 miles further past Forks of Salmon. Don't miss that right turn!! The town of Cecilville can be found by looking for Salmon River Saloon on the left side as you are headed upriver.

Directions from I-5: After the City of Weed, take the Edgewood/Gazelle exit, cross under the freeway, and take a right on Stewart Springs Road (old Highway 99). Go north 7 miles, and take a left on the Gazelle-Callahan Road in the town of Gazelle. This is one of the best scenic roads in CA; enjoy! Take this road all the way to Callahan (about 27 miles); joining Highway 3 along the way. Just after Callahan, take a left on Cecilville Road, and drive 28 miles over the pass (Callahan, Cecilville, or Carter Meadow Summit) and continue to Cecilville. Look for the Saloon on the right side of the road. Make sure to top off the tank in Weed; it's your last chance to do so before Cecilville which is 67 miles from Weed.

If you're coming from the coast; after you reach Willow Creek, you're 80 miles out, and Willow Creek or Hoopa are good places to top off that gas tank. If you're coming Friday afternoon, keep in mind that it's payday Friday in Hoopa, and there will be people, dogs, horses, cats, chickens, and generally a lot of foot traffic in the valley. Slow down please, thanks. When you get to the right turn at Salmon River Road, you're now 35 miles away. As you proceed to Forks of Salmon, the road will narrow considerably, and it will remain narrow and twisty all the way to Cecilville; this is where you slow down. Salmon River Saloon will be on the left side of the road 17 miles past Forks of Salmon. Good swimming holes on the way up: Blue Hole, George Geary, Brannon Bar, Wooley Creek, Nordheimer, random stops on up after there.

Refund policy

Salmon River Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.