Sunday School - Distance Learning 103

Singles tournament

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hosted by SLC Tunnel Runners



RPA Gold [rating 970+] $6
RAH Blue [rating <970] $6
RAD White [rating <935] $6
RAE Red [rating <900] $6
RAF Green [rating <850] $6
RAG Purple [rating <800] $6

About this tournament

Sunday School - Distance Learning is in Session!
Here's the scoop:
-Singles play
-Register into your division
-Registration opens Friday at Noon closes Sunday 7 am
-Payouts according to PDGA Pro 45% pay table (minimum payout is your registration fee)
-$1 club fee
-$5 entry for cash
-$2 ace (optional)($500 cap)
All Payout will be done through PAYPAL handled Sunday evening after leagues have concluded
This will be a no tag event. There will be no awards or event wrap up.
Please do not gather in crowds before or after your round. Keep six feet distance minimum from other players. Please let everyone handle their own discs...
Minimum three players per card
Scoring done through UDisc events - Open the UDisc app, go to events, then click on Sunday School add players to your card then start playing.

Refund policy

Patrick Christensen is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.