PennWest Edinboro University Highland Games Upshots and Aces Event

Singles tournament

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Hosted by Edinboro University Disc Golf Association



GEN General $10

About this tournament

Temporary course for Highland Games UPSHOTS AND ACES Disc Golf event

1. Red tee - temp basket
2. Temp tee - basket #1
3. Red tee - temp basket
4. Temp tee - basket #2
5. Temp tee - temp basket
6. Red tee - temp basket
7. Temp tee - basket #3
8. Temp tee - basket #4
9. Temp tee - basket #9

This event will be part of the Edinboro University Highland Games. Players will play the front 9 holes twice in a shortened layout providing ace opportunities on almost every hole. We will use standard scoring. Score cards are available. Players are encouraged to use the UDisc app for scoring.

Add a comment with your name and division to register.
Divisions are Men / Women, beginner / regular player.
Beginner is someone who throws less than 150 feet. Regular is someone who plays regularly, plays in leagues and/or tournaments. (1=beginner, 2= regular)

Meet behind Pogue near hole 9.

Exact change/cash $10.00 will be collected on Saturday, September 10th at 10:00-10:15 am. Event starts at 10:20am.

Beginners are encouraged to sign up! You can borrow a disc if you don’t have one.

Disc prizes will be given away for winners of each division plus for each person who aces! Prize discs have been donated by the university. Proceeds benefit the university disc golf club and the Royal Stewart PDGA C-tier Disc Golf Tournament (Sept 17, 2022).