Oregon DG Shop Series #2

Teams tournament

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hosted by Rain Or Shine Discs


  • Sun
    Jul 7


    Singles Round

    11:15am - 12:00pm

    Lunch after Singles round

    12:10pm - 3:00pm

    Teams Round


ETEA Elite Teams $0 / team

About this tournament

Truth Dispensary presents the second Oregon Disc Golf Shop Series hosted by HukLab PDX at their home turf Pier Park.

This is a friendly non sanctioned competition between the top disc golf stores in Oregon.

We will play two rounds collegiate style where the top two best scores from singles round will be added to the team scores to determine the match play winner.

In our first series match play Disc Junction took down 1st place and Disc Golf Depot took 2nd. Rain Or Shine Discs Elite squad held it down for 3rd.

Who will prevail in the next Oregon Disc Golf Shop Series?

Stay tuned and follow ros_discs to find out more and see some of the action.

Refund policy

Rain Or Shine Discs is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.