ODGC Ice Bowl and Potluck

Singles tournament

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Hosted by Ottawa Disc Golf Club


C. McDonald Colin McDonald Sub
D. Pengelly Dawn Pengelly Ice
M. Munoz Manny Munoz Abo



Sub Sub-Zero Men C$35
Ice Ice Queen Women C$35
Abo Above Freezing Men C$35

About this tournament

This is a fundraising event for the Ottawa Food Bank.

The tournament will consist of 2 rounds of twelve holes. Each player will have 6 mulligans to use on the day.

Check the facebook link for an updated list of what is being brought to the potluck. If you are bringing a crockpot, bring an extension cord to power it. Each player should bring their own cutlery and plates.

Schedule for the day

09:00 am Registration opens
09:50 am Players meeting
10:00 am Round 1 start
12:00 pm Potluck lunch
01:30 pm Round 2 start

Prizes and trophies to be given out after round 2.

Online registration closes tonight. If the tournament has not sold out people who show on Saturday will be able to play. Bring something for the potluck.

Refund policy

Ottawa Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.