Northeastern Collegiate Disc Golf Championship III

PDGA C-tier · Amateur

Fri-Sun, October 11-13, 2013

Hosted by FLEX DG


Liberty Liberty MPO
L. Brown Lance Brown MA1



MA1 Mixed Am 1 $50
FA1 Women's Am 1 $50

About this tournament


• French Creek State Park
Address: 843 Park Rd. Elverson, PA 19508

• Hole #1 GPS: 40.199789,-75.789853

Check-in is on Friday, 12-8pm, at Group Campsite #1, in the main lodge. Sign in at the main lodge before proceeding to your cabins. It is strongly recommended that you arrive before sundown. Picking a cabin and situating your belongings will be tough without proper lighting.

Players’ Village:

• Lodging for this event is included in your registration fee. We have reserved a group campsite for the weekend. Every team will be provided their own cabin. The cabins are a mix-bag of goodies. All cabins have four walls and a door, and they all sleep 4 or more people. Some of the cabins have fireplaces and some of them have electricity. They will protect you from wind and rain, but they are not climate controlled. Cabins are issued on a “first come-first served” basis.

• Every player will be responsible for providing his/her own bedding. There are raised bunks off of the floor, however; there are no mattresses, sheets or pillows. Helpful Hint: Bring cardboard to lie over the bunk springs.

• There are community bathrooms with showers.

Note: Players are encouraged to invite friends and family to attend. Food and lodging is reserved for players, coaches, and event staff only.


• Five meals are included with your registration as well as refreshments Friday night at the players meeting. We will be serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday. On Sunday we serve breakfast and lunch only.

• All meals will be served in the main lodge at the Players’ Village.

Note: Please contact the tournament director if you have dietary restrictions.


• There will be CTP prizes for all four rounds.

• There will be a distance competition Friday night. It is glow and we will provide the discs.

• There will be a putting competition Saturday night, at the Players’ Party.


French Creek was once home to two permanent 18’s: Doggie Woods (1987) and Pleasure Mountain (1989). These were the first two courses in the Pennsylvania State Park system. Unfortunately, because of environmental issues related to the lake, the park removed both courses and has allowed the development of a third course.

I can tell you from experience, this course will challenge players at any skill level. Each hole has two permanent baskets: a silver layout (4600’) and a gold layout (8,200’). Both offer a combination of elevation and tightly wooded fairways. We would like to give special thanks to Skeeter Hoffman, and the Stonerville Dead Dogs, for all of the hard work and dedication that they have put into this course.


• Go to: for up to date eligibility requirements.


• Multiple teams from the same school are permitted. Players may not switch teams after check-in.

• There is a three-player minimum to compete however; teams are typically comprised of four players. Teams may have more, but only four can compete each round. There is no award for individual performance therefore it is not necessary for any one player to play all four rounds.

• The registration fee is $50/player + $10 fee for non-PDGA members.

• All registrations must be received no later than October 9th (the close of registration), after which time all fees are non-refundable.


• Check-in at the Players’ Village – 12:00-8:00pm

• Players’ Meeting – 8:00pm

• Distance Competition (all players) – 9:00pm

• Breakfast - 8am-9am

• 1st Round – Alternating Shot Doubles (Silver) – 9:30am

• Lunch - Immediately following the round

• 2nd Round – Best Shot Doubles (Gold) – TBA

• Dinner – 1 hour after the last card is turned in - TBA

• Putting Competition (all players)– 9:00pm

• Breakfast - 8am-9am

• 3rd Round - Singles (Silver) – 9:30am

• Lunch – Immediately following the round

• Final Nine (all teams)- Singles (Gold)– TBA

• Awards Ceremony

Rules and Competition Dress Code:

Competition Dress Code:
• Your school colors are required for all teams during competition. Your shirts do not have to match exactly.

• Jeans are not permitted.

• For your safety we ask that no one wear sandals or flip-flops.

• Please take the time to read the PDGA rulebook, as all rules are in effect, except the “2 meter rule”. Penalties will be assessed accordingly.

• Also read the park rules and regulations. Anyone caught in violation of the park’s rules will be immediately disqualified and asked to leave the park.

Note: Do not break any living branches off of any of the trees. Please take this seriously.

Other Information:

• A team trophy will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

• Individual trophies are awarded to the Glow Driving and Putting Champions

• The Northeastern Champions will also be added to the NECDGC Perpetual Trophy.

2011 – NC State
2012 – UMASS - Amherst

NCDGC Qualifier:

• The NECDGC is a Premier Event. The top two teams, whom have not already qualified, will be awarded Bye-Seeds for the National Collegiate Disc Golf Championship. Two teams from the same school may qualify.


Tournament Director:
Mike Mohring
[email redacted]

Assistant TD:
Leah Braun
[email redacted]

Refund policy

FLEX DG is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.