Mason Dixon Team Matchplay
Teams tournament · Sat, Oct 26, 2019Oct 2019 · Greencastle, PA

Oct 267:00am - 7:55am
Captains Check-in
Player's Meeting
Morning matches tee off
-est. Lunch, provided for all players
Single elimination tournaments: a championship bracket for the top finishers and consolation brackets for everyone else. **Afternoon rounds will be either 6 OR 9 hole matches depending on daylight/time.
GEN | General | $25 / player |
About this tournament
1 round of play
October 26th, 2019
The 717 Flying Disc Golf Club is bringing a one day, ratings based team matchplay event to Whispering Falls.
All info subject to change
TEAMS: Five person teams for which the sum of their player ratings is capped at 4600. Ratings for non-PDGA members can be estimated, subject to approval. Details of team composition below.
ENTRY FEE: $125 / team
FORMAT: Straight Match Play
SCHEDULE (tentative except starting time): More details
8:00 Players Meeting
8:30: tee off Four brackets of four teams (assuming we fill with 16 teams)
Each team member play one nine hole match against each other team in the bracket.
12:30- Lunch provided. Tie-breaking playoffs as necessary.
1:15- Single elimination tournaments: a championship bracket for the top finishers and consolation brackets for everyone else. *Afternoon rounds will be either 6 OR 9 hole matches depending on daylight/time.
Lunch and dinner (during and after last matches) provided!
Burgers, sausage, pulled chicken, veggie sausages.
Registration Deadline: October 19, 2019
Field is limited to 16 teams.
The team captain registering claims the team spot, but each player needs to register as well. Player ratings aren't locked in until the entire team is registered.
Once the entire team is registered the ratings are locked in for that team even if the ratings change with subsequent PDGA updates. Any player changes will require a ratings recalculation for the entire team.
Field size will be limited to groups of four teams: 4, 8, 12, or 16 teams.
If only 4, 5, 6, or 7 teams register, only the first 4 are in, and the last registered team(s) to not complete the rule of 4 will be refunded their entry fee by October 25th 2019.
Captains: Register yourself with a C in front of your name and get your team players to sign up as early as possible.
Incomplete teams have until 8PM Oct 5, 2019 to have all team members registered or the team will forfeit their spot to any waiting fully formed teams that fulfill the rule of four.
Team Composition Rules
1) Team rating cap 4600
2) Teams can be registered by a captain (who need not be the highest rated player) at
2b) Players may then register themselves to their team, locking in their individual rating,
Captain: For anyone that does not have a PDGA rating please use the "Notes" section to include a justification for their estimated rating, if possible including performance in all recent tournaments they participated in.
3) Teams will be set based on ratings at time of registration. This way teams would not have to worry about having to change the team if someones rating goes up between now and October. If a team changes any of it's members, then the ratings of ALL team members at the time of the change are used for computing the cap.
4) Teams members do not need to have PDGA membership, but they need to have participated in enough tournaments that a reasonable rating can be estimated. Former PDGA members can use their last rating when they were active.
5) There are minimum ratings for cap purposes. Rated men count at least 800, unrated men count at least 850, rated women count at least 700, and unrated women count at least 750.
6) Ratings cap is fluid in that:
a) If a team is over the cap, they can "buy" ratings points for strokes, 1 stroke per 10 ratings points. The team must decide how to allocate the penalty strokes by the registration deadline. They have to be balanced - no team member may have more than one more penalty stroke than any other team member and penalty strokes cannot move someone's rating below 850 (at 10 points per stroke).
b) If a team is under the cap, they can add ratings points to any team member to reorder players, provided they stay under the cap.
7) Registration of a full team freezes ratings
8) Team entry fee $125 ($25 per player) to cover food and trophy expenses.
10) Team registration by a captain guarantees a slot subject to the rule of four; the tournament will proceed with either 4, 8, 12, or 16 teams. In the event that there is an odd number of teams, the last registered teams to not complete the rule of 4 will be refunded their entry fee by October 25th 2019.
The 717 Flying Disc Golf Club is bringing a one day, ratings based team matchplay event to Whispering Falls.
All info subject to change
TEAMS: Five person teams for which the sum of their player ratings is capped at 4600. Ratings for non-PDGA members can be estimated, subject to approval. Details of team composition below.
ENTRY FEE: $125 / team
FORMAT: Straight Match Play
SCHEDULE (tentative except starting time): More details
8:00 Players Meeting
8:30: tee off Four brackets of four teams (assuming we fill with 16 teams)
Each team member play one nine hole match against each other team in the bracket.
12:30- Lunch provided. Tie-breaking playoffs as necessary.
1:15- Single elimination tournaments: a championship bracket for the top finishers and consolation brackets for everyone else. *Afternoon rounds will be either 6 OR 9 hole matches depending on daylight/time.
Lunch and dinner (during and after last matches) provided!
Burgers, sausage, pulled chicken, veggie sausages.
Registration Deadline: October 19, 2019
Field is limited to 16 teams.
The team captain registering claims the team spot, but each player needs to register as well. Player ratings aren't locked in until the entire team is registered.
Once the entire team is registered the ratings are locked in for that team even if the ratings change with subsequent PDGA updates. Any player changes will require a ratings recalculation for the entire team.
Field size will be limited to groups of four teams: 4, 8, 12, or 16 teams.
If only 4, 5, 6, or 7 teams register, only the first 4 are in, and the last registered team(s) to not complete the rule of 4 will be refunded their entry fee by October 25th 2019.
Captains: Register yourself with a C in front of your name and get your team players to sign up as early as possible.
Incomplete teams have until 8PM Oct 5, 2019 to have all team members registered or the team will forfeit their spot to any waiting fully formed teams that fulfill the rule of four.
Team Composition Rules
1) Team rating cap 4600
2) Teams can be registered by a captain (who need not be the highest rated player) at
2b) Players may then register themselves to their team, locking in their individual rating,
Captain: For anyone that does not have a PDGA rating please use the "Notes" section to include a justification for their estimated rating, if possible including performance in all recent tournaments they participated in.
3) Teams will be set based on ratings at time of registration. This way teams would not have to worry about having to change the team if someones rating goes up between now and October. If a team changes any of it's members, then the ratings of ALL team members at the time of the change are used for computing the cap.
4) Teams members do not need to have PDGA membership, but they need to have participated in enough tournaments that a reasonable rating can be estimated. Former PDGA members can use their last rating when they were active.
5) There are minimum ratings for cap purposes. Rated men count at least 800, unrated men count at least 850, rated women count at least 700, and unrated women count at least 750.
6) Ratings cap is fluid in that:
a) If a team is over the cap, they can "buy" ratings points for strokes, 1 stroke per 10 ratings points. The team must decide how to allocate the penalty strokes by the registration deadline. They have to be balanced - no team member may have more than one more penalty stroke than any other team member and penalty strokes cannot move someone's rating below 850 (at 10 points per stroke).
b) If a team is under the cap, they can add ratings points to any team member to reorder players, provided they stay under the cap.
7) Registration of a full team freezes ratings
8) Team entry fee $125 ($25 per player) to cover food and trophy expenses.
10) Team registration by a captain guarantees a slot subject to the rule of four; the tournament will proceed with either 4, 8, 12, or 16 teams. In the event that there is an odd number of teams, the last registered teams to not complete the rule of 4 will be refunded their entry fee by October 25th 2019.
Refund policy
717FDC is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.