
Log Lake Open

PDGA C-tier · Sat, May 21, 2016May 2016 · Kalkaska, MI

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Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's Sticky Huge thank you to all of the "Kalkaska Disc Docters" club for installing 18 brand new Chainstars to replace the old raskets. It is a major improvement to the park! Apr 28, 2016
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Scott Gross "Team Tilley's" May 15, 2016 yeah, old raskets for a old guy
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 16, 2016 I may be wrong, but I think they sold some of the old raskets off to raise money for the new Chainstars.
Jeff Kuehle May 20, 2016 Id buy one
Chris Stone Sticky
Tip of the Mitt Disc golf club is hosting the third annual Tip of the Mitt Open on May 28th and 29th at Blissfest Disc Golf Course in Harbor Springs. Here is a link to registration which is starting ... show more ›
Apr 25, 2016
Brian Hoppe Hey I just went to register. Last minute I know. Can I pay you with paypal in the morning? Or do I have to get cash? Thanks May 21, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 21, 2016 Please send payment to: [email redacted]
Ryan Gemmell Caleb Thompson MA2 as well May 21, 2016
David Myers Dakota myers has to drop out sorry for the late notice .he did not know he had to work till today May 21, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 20, 2016 OK, thanks.
Dave P Ryan Peterson AM3 please and thank you. May 21, 2016
Bruce Dixon I have to back out once again. Cant get the day off work. Sorry for the late notice. May 21, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 20, 2016 OK, thanks.
Uncle Todd #22388 Glow golf tonight at Uncle Todds Reg @ 830 May 20, 2016
Steve krajnik Hey Mark can you add Chris smith to am3 pls and thank you May 20, 2016
Uncle Todd #22388 Glow Golf tonight at Uncle Todd's, Reg @ 8:30 May 20, 2016
Forrest Worthington Unreg me please. Took a nail through the foot roofing. I'll see everyone at the tip of the mitt next week. May 20, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 20, 2016 OK, thanks.
Ryan Gemmell Can I still sign up for am2 please? Or anywhere spots are open.. if so sign me up May 20, 2016
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Ryan Gemmell May 20, 2016 Is that a yes? Lol. I want to know if it's worth the drive
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 20, 2016 Yes, you're in.
Shrimp Boat Captain Ziggy open 29879. Am I in? May 20, 2016
Jeff Kuehle May 19, 2016 You are in my friend. See you Saturday!
Daymon Pugh May 19, 2016 You have to ride in the back
Jeff Kuehle May 19, 2016 r u camping at log lake?
Johnnie Leigh Hey marc, Isaac piper for am4 please, thanks May 20, 2016
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Johnnie Leigh May 20, 2016 he told me to ask for him to be in am4 but if he asked for am3, id leave him in there
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 20, 2016 Sounds good, he can switch in the morning if he needs to.
Johnnie Leigh May 20, 2016 cool cool, thanks
Brian Schoening Please unregister Brian Schoening 70861 in am3. Sorry for the hassle May 20, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
Steve krajnik Hey Marc can u add John Lawrence to am3 pls and thank u May 20, 2016
Matthew Murdock Matt Murdock am1 52438 May 20, 2016
Matthew Murdock May 20, 2016 It looks like I have to work now, please unreg me, thank you.
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 20, 2016 OK, thanks.
D. Roc Derek Evans 37864 open billy Montpas 36973 am1 May 20, 2016
Mark Stephens May 20, 2016 Black Ace! Have fun...
Ryan McCarty Unreg Ryan McCarty please. Something last minute came up May 20, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
Daymon Pugh MPM Daymon Pugh 12248 got a place to stay I'm heading up May 20, 2016
Kenneth Mize Kenny Mize am1 58503 May 20, 2016
isaac piper isaac piper am3 May 20, 2016
Daymon Pugh MPM Daymon Pugh 12248
Sign me up tentatively need a place to stay Friday night possibly
May 20, 2016
Matt leffew Unregister Matt Leffew thanks May 19, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
Mike Wojey Please take me off the list some thing came up May 19, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
Ryan Newton Can't make it. Please unregister me May 19, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
Charlie Shaw Change of plans, not going to make it. Please unregister me, May 19, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
cody duggins Hey marc not going to be able to make it this time. have to work all night fri night. sorry for late notice May 19, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
Anthony Carpenter Hey Marc, work obligations are not allowing me to attend this one. Also sorry for the no show no call at flip, wasn't my intentions not to play. Sorry for the inconvenience.Thank you May 19, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 OK, thanks.
Robert Centala Can i get into advanced I'll pay Saturday when I get there pdga #77869 May 19, 2016
David Halloran Please unreg me Marc, sorry for the inconvenience. May 18, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 18, 2016 OK, thanks.
Raechel Massey Charlie and I aren't going to make this one. Sorry. Super bummed :( May 18, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 18, 2016 OK, thanks.
Alex Villanueva Unfortunately I cannot make it. Please unreg me. May 18, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 18, 2016 OK, thanks.
Dj Hunt Marc im sorry there was a misunderstanding can you put rick back on the waitlist im sorry. May 18, 2016
Jared Carlysle Unreg jared carlysle please. Thank you May 18, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 18, 2016 OK, thanks.
Dj Hunt Pleàse remove dj and rick hunt May 18, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 18, 2016 OK, thanks.
Johnnie Leigh Can I get moved to am1 please. Rating is now a 937. Thanks May 18, 2016
show 1 earlier comment
Kenny Miller - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 Congrats. Now the rest of us can have a chance.
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 19, 2016 Kenny, you would have an even better chance if you learned how to putt....
Kenny Miller - Team Tilley's May 30, 2016 Ooo BuRN
Brian Hoppe Brian Hoppe am 1 wait list please. #60915 May 18, 2016
Richard Little Mpo WL 53487 please May 17, 2016
Johnny Carson Not going to make it. May 17, 2016
Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's May 18, 2016 OK, thanks.
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