Dr.Smooth els
Please issue refund for Ed Stoffregen. I am 15 hours away and had a traveling issue. But will jealous of those getting to disc that area of the world. Thanks,
Ed S. 13316 Sep 13, 2021
Nick Neuman
I have also submitted request for refund and withdrawal, but have not heard back yet. Sep 11, 2021
Aiden saari
I’m trying to get a refund, I broke my throwing arm wrist two days ago and won’t be able to compete Sep 10, 2021
Joe Bennett
Can I be moved from AM40 to MA2? I see there a spot open. MA40 was the only available slot when I registered. Aug 13, 2021
Dr.Smooth els
Sorry, about the confusion. Was able to get registered in MP40. Again, sorry about the unnecessary comments, please ignore. Thanks. Aug 9, 2021