Gross "N" Nasty Fall/Winter Tournament Series 2014/2015--Round 1--

Singles tournament · Amateur

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hosted by Gross "N" Nasty Disc Golf Crew


  • Sat
    Oct 11

    8:00am - 9:30am

    Registration and Bonus Prize Throw.

    9:30am - 10:00am

    Players meeting

    10:00am - 12:30pm

    Tee off Round 1, Random Dubs, 18 Holes

    12:30pm - 1:30pm

    Lunch Break

    1:30pm - 2:00pm

    ???Target Throwing For Bonus Strokes???

    2:00pm - 4:30pm

    Tee off Round 2, Singles Play, 18 Holes

    4:30pm - 5:00pm

    Awards and Payouts!


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $12
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $12

About this tournament

Please visit our website at the link above for more Info.

This is Round 1 of our first ever, "Gross 'N' Nasty Fall/Winter Tournament Series 2014/2015". This Series will run during the finest weather season that Oregon has to offer! Prepare for the cold, rain, and of course the mud. Bring your umbrella and an extra towel because it's going to be a Gross "N" Nasty Fall/Winter in the Pacific NW!! We will be hosting 1 event a month for the next 6 months ending with a Series Finale at Horning's Hideout on April 12th. All of the upcoming tournaments will be posted on the scene very soon. In the mean time, check out our website at the above link, or by going to: and click the "upcoming tournaments" tab to see the seasons events'.

This Round 1 event will be played as follows, One round of Random dubs, followed by one round of singles play, with the top 1/3 individual scores being paid out. Whatever score you finish the random dubs round with, will be your starting score for your singles round. This is a new format and we're excited to play it ourselves! All of the Gross "N" Nasty Fall/Winter Tournament Series Events will be held in this same fashion. This is an AMATEUR ONLY tournament, with 2 divisions, advanced and intermediate.

ALSO INCLUDED in the entry fee: ACE pot, CTP opportunities, and a chance to "pad" your score, by earning a SPECIAL PRIZE, before the round of play begins. We will also have a minimum of 6 CTP prizes at this first event with 3 of them being new discs, TBD. This will be a great time for all of us, so come on out with a positive attitude.

You can register for this event on the day of the event, from 8am to 9:30am, or contact our Tournament Director, Buck "Nasty" Rich (There is a link to his profile above), and let him know you're going to be there. We will hold you a place. Only 72 slots open, so let us know, or show up early on October 11th, at Buxton Woods. With the tournament filled at 72 slots, that would be a cash payout of nearly $600 plus multiple CTP prize opportunities! I don't know about you, but that sure sounds like a good time to us! :). See you there!

Refund policy

Gross "N" Nasty Disc Golf Crew is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.