Grip-er and Rip-er (Glow Triples)

Teams tournament · Amateur

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Hosted by Grip-er and Rip-er Disc Golf



GEN General $108 / team

About this tournament

Join us for the 2021 Grip-er and Rip-er (Glow Triples)

Title sponsor : Grip-er and Rip-er Disc Golf

Nov 13th 2021

this is a unsanctioned triples (best disc) . top finishers will get a cool prize pack.

Players packs: UV Flashlight and 1 glow mini per player

check in is from 4:30pm to 5:20pm

You need to be @ your starting hole ready to throw by 5:30PM

There will be no players meeting any questions can and will be answered @ check in.

(no carts for glow rounds )

Note: glow tape and leds are allowed please bring them.

Beer and food is available for purchase.

Refund policy

Grip-er and Rip-er Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. We will be following PDGA guidelines.