
Dynamic Discs Presents the 28th Annual Big Arms on the Brazos

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, Jul 18-19, 2020Jul 2020 · Lubbock, TX

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Jeremy Bell We doing tee times Jul 17, 2020
Dynamic Discs Carrollton Jul 17, 2020 Yes. Did you receive the player meeting email with all the tournament information?
Eugenio Esparza jr Jul 10, 2020
Eugenio Esparza jr is MA50+ FULL Jul 10, 2020
todd pool Jul 11, 2020 Yes ,also with 1 on the waitlist for that class
Truett Teague Do you know if camping overnight at the course is allowed in the parking lot or anything? Jul 9, 2020
Dynamic Discs Carrollton Jul 9, 2020 To our knowledge, no. You may want to post this question on the Lubbock Windriders Facebook page just to be sure
Jeremy "Big Worm" Ellis Jul 9, 2020 These parks close at 11pm. No tent camping is allowed in city limits.
Truett Teague Jul 9, 2020 Thanks!!
Matt Smith Is MA2 completely filled? Jul 7, 2020
Grady Adams So will advanced women be in B pool since it’s all advanced divisions? Jul 6, 2020
Dynamic Discs Carrollton Jul 6, 2020 We do not know. Pools are not shown at this point. We should be able to announce everything tomorrow by the end of the day so players know exactly what formats and courses we will be using. Thanks!
david granado If we sign up to play and don’t make it in time can we see pick up our players pk if we show up late ? And do you know what the players pk is worth for this tournament Jul 6, 2020
Dynamic Discs Carrollton Jul 6, 2020 Player Pack will have a retail value of around $70 for all amateur divisions. Thanks
david granado Can you buy a players pk or a shirt at the event Jul 6, 2020
Dynamic Discs Carrollton Jul 6, 2020 Yes you may. Player packs will go on sale at 12PM on Saturday July 18. Player packs will only be available for registered players before that time. Thank!
Nathan jones The 25th is the absolute last day to sign up? Jun 23, 2020
Dynamic Discs Carrollton Jun 24, 2020 We do not fully understand your question. Big Arms on the Brazos is July 18-19. If the event is not full, you are allowed to sign up all the way until July 18th.
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