
Dragan Disc Golf Classic 20 Sponsored by Westside Discs

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, Oct 31-Nov 1, 2020Oct 2020 · Auburn, ME

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Dylan Capaccioli Josh, do you know if people from Ma can play in the event. Towards the travel restriction side are Ma residents allowed Oct 29, 2020
Josh Connell Oct 29, 2020 MA residents have been allowed into the state without need of test or quarantine since September 23
Bob mason Is the course in winter layout for Saturday? Oct 28, 2020
Josh Connell Oct 28, 2020 No
Bob mason Oct 28, 2020 Ty
mike Dussault Eric Wilson somehow was listed twice in MP 40 Oct 27, 2020
Daniel Jenkins Oct 28, 2020 The more Eric Wilsons in a tourney, the better. Double the pleasure, double the fun!
Josh Connell
As of 7am, all unpaid players have been removed from the registration list. Those players had anywhere from 10 days to 5.5 months to pay after getting in from the waitlist. Can't wait any longer. The ... show more ›
Oct 27, 2020
Josh Connell If you have not paid your entry after getting in from the waitlist, PAY NOW or risk being removed from the list and replaced by someone else. Multiple emails have been sent. There should be no excuses. Thank you. Oct 25, 2020
Josh Connell Oct 25, 2020 Deadline is Monday 10/26 at 8pm. On Tuesday, I start deleting names and letting in waitlisters.
John Mucciarone Oct 26, 2020 Are the * those who have to pay?
Gabriel Boys I think I may know the answer to this based on the pools but is it possible for me to switch to Am1? Sep 10, 2020
Josh Connell Sep 10, 2020 It would require switching to the A Pool waitlist but there's no rule against being on both waitlists. If you get in on the B Pool side, you can remain on the A Pool list if you wish.
Josh Connell Sep 10, 2020 I shouldn't have said "switch". Sign up separately for the A Pool list if you want to be on both. Switching would cause you to lose your place on the B Pool side.
James Ritchie If the people on the waitlist dont end up making it in, do they get a full refund of the entry fee? Jul 1, 2020
Josh Connell Jul 1, 2020 No one on the waitlist paid anything, so no.
Josh Connell
Due to COVID-19 and the uncertainty surrounding it, I have postponed this tournament until October 31-November 1. An email with more details was sent to all players. Check your spam/junk folders if ... show more ›
May 14, 2020
Andrew Streeter May 20, 2020 Josh - Can you refund Andrew, Sam, and Ben Streeter, unfortuantely we will not be able to make the new date.
Josh Connell May 20, 2020 Done
John Buonsanto May 27, 2020 Hey Josh im unable to attend with the new date. Is a refund available? -John Buonsanto
John Davis I sent an email about a couple weeks ago regarding my rating and haven't heard back about it. The last two rating updates have put me over 935 and wanted to know if I need to switch to Advanced? Thank you. Apr 22, 2020
show 1 earlier comment
Josh Connell May 14, 2020 Hello John, I replied to that email on 4/14. Sorry I am just seeing these posts for the first time today.
John Davis May 15, 2020 Crap! I never got it. I checked all my emails from 4/14 - 4/16 and it's not in my main inbox or spam. Can you possibly send it again? [email redacted]
Josh Connell May 15, 2020 Resent.
Kevin Herrington Any updates if this is still happening? Also, does Maine have traveler restrictions? Apr 21, 2020
show 1 earlier comment
Connor J Moody Oct 26, 2020 Is their any spots open for Am1 or Am2 permitting payment from others who haven't paid . Very interested in playing and can pay in full immediately
Josh Connell Oct 26, 2020 Connor, sign up for the waitlist and you will be notified if you get in.
Connor J Moody Oct 26, 2020 Sounds great . Thank you
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