
Cookeville Spring Flex powered by Prodigy

PDGA C-tier · Sat, May 1, 2021May 2021 · Cookeville, TN

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Cory Watson @Tim Bain
If I made it into the payout for MA2 feel free to put it towards making the course better/getting a permanent practice basket.
May 1, 2021
Tim Bain Tee times have been consolidated, you will not be moved at this point unless you ask to be! Please check if you had less than 3 players on your time slot, there's a good chance you may have shifted a few minutes! Apr 30, 2021
Chris Griffin May 1, 2021 I had a 12:10 tee time and was moved to 3:30. Can I be moved back to a near noon tee time?
Zach D Hey Tim, thanks for all you are doing! Could you move Zach Davis, Brady Rick's, Seth Gram, and Abigal Faxon to 12:20. That would help us a lot for time thanks! Apr 30, 2021
Tim Bain Apr 30, 2021 I will do this when i get home in a few hours!
Zach D Apr 30, 2021 Thanks so much!
Tim Bain
Not sure we needed a players meeting for a Flex start but I just posted one anyway! Registration closes at noon, so look for the final tee time adjustments to be made by 3pm, I'll post when they're do ... show more ›
Apr 30, 2021
Robert Halterman May 1, 2021 When is the players meeting
Tim Bain Hey all, the pin placements in the pictures tab says the baskets are in the correct places, but i've been told some have been moved. Please refer to the document for where the pin locations will be Saturday! Apr 29, 2021
Tyler Einecker Also weird question, and simply because I don’t know, with novice only being a trophy division is there a trophy for 1st-3rd, or just first? Thanks! Apr 28, 2021
Joshua Crowe Apr 28, 2021 We have trophies for first place only.
Tyler Einecker Apr 28, 2021 Appreciate it!
John Gaca Tim, can you move us to 830? Apr 28, 2021
Tyler Einecker Apr 28, 2021 Hey Tim, could you move me to the 830 as well? That is if John and Nick are ok to have me lol.
John Gaca Apr 28, 2021 Sounds good!
Tim Bain I went through and consolidated the tee times this morning, so please check your time and let me know if you cant make that time. I tried to accomodate the group requests I've gotten, but if I split up any groups just let me know and we'll get it worked out Apr 28, 2021
John Gaca Nick Gaca and I need an early tee time. How can we go about arranging this? Apr 28, 2021
Bruce MacDonald Can Michael MacDonald pair up with his dad Bruce MacDonald? Apr 28, 2021
Jordan Webster By premium Prodigy disc, does that mean an ace line or what discs are you giving? Apr 27, 2021
Toby Manus Will tee times be finalized Friday night? Apr 27, 2021
Tim Bain Apr 27, 2021 Most will be finalized by Thursday night
Ken Harrison Any chance of MA60 ? thanks Apr 26, 2021
Tim Bain Apr 27, 2021 You got it, I opened up a few others as well
Tim Bain The basket positions have been posted in the Pictures folder, and the baskets have been moved into the tournament positions if you want to get some practice in this week! Apr 25, 2021
Samuel Andrews Apr 27, 2021 I'm at cane creek currently... And the baskets are not in the same positions as the folder picture layout suggests.
Toby Manus Apr 28, 2021 The baskets were moved due to the Tennessee tech fundraiser
Samuel Andrews Apr 28, 2021 Ahh, this makes sense.
Derrick Johnson What position will the baskets be in? Apr 15, 2021
Cory Watson Apr 29, 2021 There's some caddy notes under "pictures".
Tyler Einecker Are walk ups allowed? Or is it a tee time only sign up? Just curious. Apr 15, 2021
Joshua Crowe Apr 16, 2021 Due to the flex start nature of the event if you walk up you would need at least 3 players or you would need to join a tee time that already has players.
Jacob Helton What do the “trophy division” times mean? Apr 13, 2021
Tim Bain Apr 14, 2021 They are primarily rec and novice which are trophy only divisions.
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