Connecticut Junior Disc Golf Championship (Future Disc Golf Qualifer)

PDGA XC-tier

Sunday, May 18, 2025

Hosted by CTP Events

Part of Future Disc Golf Qualifier Events

Online registration opens
March 17 at 8:00pm EDT



MP18 Mixed Pro 18 & Under $45
FP18 Women's Pro 18 & Under $45
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 $45
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 $45
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 $30
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $30
MJ10 Mixed Junior 10 $30
FJ10 Girls' Junior 10 $30
MJ08 Mixed Junior 8 $30
FJ08 Girls' Junior 8 $30
MJ06 Mixed Junior 6 $30
FJ06 Girls' Junior 6 $30

About this tournament

Welcome to the 2025 Connecticut Junior Disc Golf Championship! We are really excited for this year’s event and looking to grow even more on the success we had in the past. This event will once again be held at Panthorn Park in Southington on Sunday, May 18. This is a PDGA Sanctioned XC-Tier only open to players aged 18 and below. You do not need to be a PDGA member to play this event, so this is the perfect opportunity to introduce a junior player to their first tournament.

This year the event is also a Future DG Qualifier event designed for both amateur and pro juniors. Instead of payout, we provide travel assistance for the winners of each division.

This is a True Amateur event that will not have any payout or impact on amateur status. It will be a competition to see who the best junior players are regardless of amateur/professional standing.

We will be following all PDGA Youth Safety Guidelines. This means all players under the age of 13 MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian during tournament rounds

PDGA Points:
Ams will earn PDGA points against Ams. Pros will earn PDGA points against pros. Everyone will play together in one division with the winner(s) advancing.

MP18 / FP18 - $45 per player - PDGA members who are classified as professional and who will be 18 years or younger on Dec 31, 2025 will be eligible to compete at any Future Disc Golf events scheduled in 2025. As Disc Golf Scene will not allow professional players to sign up for a junior division, we will be utilizing the MP18 or FP18 divisions for registrations. The Tournament Director will move you into the appropriate division (MJ18 and FJ18) in PDGA after you have signed up.

MJ15 / FJ15 - $45 per player - These are pure amateur divisions. If you are a junior and have turned pro, you will be playing in the MP18 or FP18 division.

MJ12 / FJ12 / MJ10 / FJ10 / MJ08 / FJ08 / MJ06 / FJ06 - $30 per player - Players will not qualify for the next event level.

All players must pre-register and no walk ups will be allowed the day of the event.

FDG Disc 1
FDG Disc 2
FDG Disc 3
FDG Disc 4
FDG Disc 5
FDG Disc 6
FDG Mini
+Optional FDG T-Shirt (+$10)

Lunch will be provided for all competitors in the form of hot dogs, chips, and water.

As it is a Junior Championship, it will only be open to players that qualify for those PDGA age protected divisions. For the purposes of determining divisions, your age is whatever age the player turns during the 2025 calendar year. For example, if on your birthday in November, you will turn age 7, you would not be eligible for MJ06 even though you would be 6 on the day of the event.

MP18 / FP18 / MJ15 / FJ15 - 2 Rounds of 18 on Whites
MJ12 / FJ12 - 1 Round of 18 on Reds, 1 Round of 18 on Whites
MJ10 / FJ10 - 1 Round of 18 on Reds
MJ08 / FJ08 / MJ06 / FJ06 - 1 Round of 9 on Reds

Players may register for any division their age qualifies them for meaning a Junior ≤10 could play in the Junior ≤12 division if they felt comfortable playing 2 rounds.

Please park in the main lot.

Tournament central for this event will be located near the entrance to the path to hole 1.

Check in will begin at 9:00 AM. Anyone not checked in by 9:45 AM will be considered a NO SHOW.

There will be a brief player’s meeting at 9:45 prior to the start of Round 1 and prior to the start of Round 2.

We will have a brief awards ceremony at lunch for all one-round divisions. Awards for all other divisions will be held shortly after the conclusion of round 2

Refund policy

CTP Events is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Refunds per PDGA policy ( based on a player field of 72. Full refund policy with specific dates and times can be found here:

Refund/withdrawal request handling may not be immediate, but will be processed no later than 24 hours after the close of online registration.