Jo’s Joy Charity Disc Golf Tournament presented by Warren & Griffin P.C. Attorneys at Law

PDGA logoSaturday, December 16, 2023 at Edwards Park in Dalton, Georgia
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Jo’s Joy Charity Disc Golf Tournament presented by Warren & Griffin P.C. Attorneys at Law graphic

About this tournament

The Holidays are here and we would love to help those less fortunate have an amazing Christmas. The funds from this tournament will be going directly to purchasing gifts for students in our area that may not be able to afford a Christmas gift.

We will be purchasing gifts for kids but if you would like you can also bring a gift to the tournament to donate for the kids. We will have a box for toys at the tournament.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact me if you would like to sponsor over the $30 hole sponsor.

All hole sponsors will have a tee sign placed on one of the 18 holes.

This is a 1 round PDGA Sanctioned flex start tournament with a Prodigy disc for the players pack. As this is a charity tournament, we are limiting the players pack to 1 disc but may add other items as they become available.

Pick your tee time and come out and help support a great cause.

**We have added Pro divisions. Pro divisions will be paid out at 85%.

Refund policy

Major Chains Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Jack Hollis5858
1Oliver Burkett5858
3Drake Hodge5959
3Jake Wiederhold5959
5Elijah Stevens6161
5Giovanny Perez6161
7Stephen Miller6262
8Anthony Davis6868
9Nicholas Barnett8080
1Eric Hogue5858
2Chad Woods6161
2Matt Zollitsch6161
4Blaine Robinson6464
5Matthew Williams6565
6Jacob Ward6666
7Rob Berghorst6767
8Jeramie Hoff6868
1Mauricio Lino Sr6464
2Phillip Perry6767
3Gary Quast6868
4Jaime Perry7474
5Bruce Greene7878
1Jeff Langford7171
2Bruce MacDonald7272
3Doug Hamil7676
1Jim Hogue7575
1Justin Daman6060
2Barry Carver6161
3Eduardo Centurion6464
4Joey Young6565
4Steven Overheim6565
6Michael R. MacDonald6666
6Will Thomas6666
8Wilson Paez6868
9Josh Owens6969
10Brian Post7070
11Zachary Standley7474
1Tyler Buckley5959
2Creed McClellan6060
2Edis Krnjic6060
4Boone McClellan6363
4Joshua Miller6363
4Zach Miller6363
7Jeff Weber6464
8James Phillips6565
9Alexis Pantoja6666
9Cody Long6666
11Tony Tortora6767
12Cory Mogul6969
12Josh Carter6969
12Shane Glover6969
15Cullen Mazo7070
16Henry Carter7171
17AJ Hanson7272
17Joseph Nowak7272
19Tyler Saia7373
1Nathan Qualls5959
2Mark Tappan6262
3Patrick Lowe6464
4Trey Lawson6565
5James Caito7070
6David Andrews7171
7Daniel Mitchell7272
7Easton Laird7272
9Joseph Cochran7373
10Mike Holmes7474
11Joe Killion7777
12Dewayne Miller8484
13Bailey Hudgens-0
1Valeree Theis7373
2Aleta Nowak7474
3Charlotte Berghorst7676
4Odaliz Valdez8080
5Tyller Stevens8282
1Kelly Andrews7070
1Ethan Nowak9797
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