Devin Proudfit
I just noticed that I am now on the 8am tee time. I just want to make sure this is correct so I can make sure I’m there in time. Thank you. Jun 18, 2021
Daniel Kitchens Jun 18, 2021Yes this was intentional. I had to shift a few people around to even out all groups.
Devin Proudfit Jun 18, 2021Awesome I appreciate the earlier tee time!
Devin Proudfit
I just joined the tournament, is there anyway I could get the email that was sent out with information for the tournament? Jun 17, 2021
Daniel Kitchens Jun 17, 2021Hey Devin, would you be ok if I moved you to the 9am tee time? We need one more person on that time slot, if you don't mind shifting.
Devin Proudfit Jun 17, 2021I cannot switch tee times because I have to drive back to Eugene and work in the afternoon on Friday. I was only going to be able to make it if I had an 8 or 8:15 tee time. Sorry.
Daniel Kitchens Jun 14, 2021Yes we will be using pdga live. There will be an email with other event info sent out tomorrow.
Zachary Todd
We will be doing everything in the longs. More than likely will have 5 on the right long, haven’t confirmed it yet. Hole 1 and 2 will play as road and right being OB. Hole 15 will have a mando tree by the short pad to not temp anyone to take the big outside over the road shot. May 27, 2021