Burlington Area Disc Golf's USDGC Doubles Qualifier at Deep Creek Dreams

Doubles tournament · Amateur

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hosted by Burlington Area Disc Golf

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Dallas Suitt Tournament Director


  • Sat
    Aug 10

    8:30am - 9:00am



    Round 1 MA1 - Nightmares, FA1 - Dreams


    Estimated Round 2 Start MA1 - Dreams, FA1 - Dreams


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $42 / team
FA1 Women's Am 1 $42 / team

About this tournament

The format is BYOP (bring your own partner). Captain's choice (best shot) doubles.
The entry fee is $42 per team.
$20 per team goes to USDGC Doubles to cover a premium custom-stamped disc per player and premium trophy medals for the teams who qualify. ​
$20 per team stays with the course. $2 to BADG.

The number of teams that can qualify for the USDGC Doubles Main Event is based on the number of teams that participate in your qualifier. The thresholds are as follows.


1-14 Teams = 1 Team qualifies
15-24 Teams = 2 Teams qualify
25+ Teams = 3 Teams qualify


1-4 Teams = 1 Team qualifies
5-9 Teams = 2 Teams qualify
10+ Teams – 3 Teams qualify

All skill levels are encouraged to participate and may receive a disc, but only the top amateur divisions (usually Men’s and Women’s “Advanced”) will be competing to qualify for the main event.

Refund policy

Burlington Area Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.