Jordan Knopp
Hey Lou, great tournament per the usual. Whenever you get a chance, I’d love to see the results. A screenshot would be fine. Thanks! Jul 18
Ross Comer
Left a blue 169g beaver wraith from the players pack on the course somewhere today. Did anyone happen to find it? Jul 13
Ross Comer Jul 13Stickers were already taken off it
Mike T
Lost orange esp zone hole 10 at quarry.
Anyone sees let me know thanks! Jul 12
Aaron DeVries
Anyone anticipating they might drop out? My partner and I would absolutely love to play but we're first on the waitlist and located in Madison so we'd like to know sooner than later! Jul 12
Lou Ashley Jul 12I'll make it work, you're in - see you tomorrow!
I think Pros Team AD AB should've joined a pro tier tournament like Silver Cup this weekend instead ...
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I think Pros Team AD AB should've joined a pro tier tournament like Silver Cup this weekend instead of sandbagging a local tournament. I'm not even in it but I feel bad for everyone else. The tourney was already full. No need to accommodate two professionals. If I had signed up like I was planning, looked to see who my competition was, grabbed the "last spot" for registration, then saw two 1000 rated partners come in after the fact, I would be disappointed. Doesn't look great on their part to come into a tournament with that high of skill set when the average rating looks to be around 920-930s. Also is a bit fishy for the TD to let these guys in last minute with a decent amount of cash on the line.
Ross Comer
What disc options are we looking at for the players pack? Looking forward to the tournament this weekend! Jul 8
Lou Ashley Jul 8R-Pro Pig - Star Rollo z Star Charger - Star Destroyer - Star Leopard - Star TL 3 - Star Toro - Star Wraith - Halo Star Firebird - Halo Star Sidewinder - Halo Star TL 3
Lou Ashley Jun 12I've had a few similar requests. I'm going to expand the total number of players and add a wait list - I just need to verify how many player packs I have available.