Battlefield Open 2017
PDGA C-tier · Sun, Jun 11, 2017Jun 2017 · Richmond (Varina), VA
Jun 118:15am - 9:30am
check-in. players not checked in by 9:30 risk losing their spot.
round 1 tee.
For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
MPO | Mixed Pro Open | $40 |
FPO | Women's Pro Open | $40 |
MPM | Master | $40 |
MPG | GM | $40 |
MPS | Sr GM | $40 |
MA1 | Mixed Am 1 | $30 |
FA1 | Women's Am 1 | $30 |
MM1 | Adv Master | $30 |
MG1 | Adv GM | $30 |
MA2 | Mixed Am 2 | $30 |
FA2 | Women's Am 2 | $30 |
MA3 | Mixed Am 3 | $30 |
About this tournament
1 round of play
2 rounds of 18 holes. Pro divisions and MA1 will play shorts followed by longs, all other divisions will play 2 rounds of shorts. Players pack for all amateur players.
Refund policy
Thrown Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.