Scott Radford Apr 25, 2023Right now there is only one waitlist. As of right now, you are number 29 so I am und=sure how far down the waitlist it will go.
Keith Lincoln
Being that I am second on the waitlist , should I show up that day in hopes someone can't make it? Apr 17, 2023
Scott Radford Apr 17, 2023There is a long time before tournament day and there is always a lot of movement when it gets closer. Lets see where you are a few days before.
John Whalen Apr 18, 2023I was #1 on waitlist until I realized in needed to be in three places at once that day…
Cory kelly
Not sure if it matter but my registered name shows as Ryan Kelly but my first name is Cory, middle name Ryan. Doesn’t matter to me just didn’t want any confusion. PDGA number matches up with my info Mar 11, 2023
Scott Radford Mar 11, 2023If it is like last year, there is normally a lot of movement on the wait list. It does depend but I do refund the waitlist fee if you do not make it in.
Lindsay Flammey
Since this is a NEFA points event do you need our NEFA numbers? It didn’t ask for it on the reg. Thanks Scott! Mar 9, 2023
Scott Radford Mar 9, 2023Fixed and I will make sure all the NEFA numbers are in :)
Tom Boyd
So it says registration opens 8:00 GMT - I'm guessing it's supposed to be EDT ? Feb 25, 2023