4th Annual Disc Golf Communities United

Singles tournament

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hosted by Berks Disc Golf Club



RPA Gold [rating 970+] $40
RAH Blue [rating <970] $40
RAD White [rating <935] $40
RAE Red [rating <900] $40
RAF Green [rating <850] $40
RAG Purple [rating <800] $40

About this tournament


8:00am – 8:30am – Player check-ins and AM players pack handouts
8:30am – 8:40am – Players meeting at pavilion
8:40am – 9:00am – Walk to round 1 starting holes
9:00am – 12:00pm – Round 1 Singles
12:00pm – 12:45pm – Lunch
12:45pm – 1:00pm – walk to starting holes for round 2 (hole assignments will be at the pavilion)
1:00pm – 4:00pm – Round 2 Singles
4:00pm – 5:00pm – Awards and Prizes

Berks Disc Golf Club and Funky Runkle Discs is excited to announce the 4th Annual Disc Golf Communities United Tournament will be back at Laurelain Disc Golf Course on Sunday September 29, 2024.

JUST PLAYING DISC GOLF will also bein site vending merch!

During round 1, all players will be playing permanent concrete tee pads to long baskets for holes that have long baskets in place. Otherwise, we will play to the normal placement (with some exceptions noted below on the layout). Second round we will be playing concrete tee pads to the short basket placements or the holes that only have one basket. We will review the OBs and Mandos during the players’ meetings.

We have received numerous requests from players about carding with family and friends. We will adjust card groupings for the 1st round prior to the start of the tournament. 2nd round cards will be grouped based on placement in each division. Since this is a smaller tournament, 2nd round cards may be paired with players from multiple divisions.

Round 1 Layout:

Hole 1C: Mandatory between trees. (Drop zone is on the walking path). 1 stroke penalty is applied, and players throw from the drop zone.

Hole 2B: On or over parking lot is OB

Hole 3a: (Tee off at Pavilion) On or over left side walking path is OB

Hole 4C: Creek bed is OB

Hole 5B: OB to left of pin in neighbor’s yard & on or over road/walking path behind basket

Hole 6A

Hole 7A: Mando left of tree (missed Mando is 1 stroke) Drop zone left of mando tree

Hole 8B

Hole 9C: Mando Right of Tree (missed Mando is 1 stroke penalty) drop zone next to tree, OB right side marked with flags, OB deep of the pin placement in the creek bed.

Hole 10 Upper B: Creek Bed is OB.

Hole 11B: OB on 12 fairway marked with yellow rope and flags

Hole 12: OB left on hole 11’s fairway

Hole 13: Creek bed and beyond flags are OB

Hole 14: Creek bed and beyond flags are OB

Hole 15 (Short Pad to Long B): creek bed and within fenced neighbor yards are OB

Hole 16: Island hole – missed island play as hazard with 1 stroke penalty from the lie.

Hole 17: Creek bed is OB. On or over roads to the left or long are OB

Hole 18B: Regular concrete tee pad - On or over Parking Lot/Driveway and on or over walking path (left) next to pavilion is OB.

Round 2 Layout:

Hole 1b: Mandatory between trees. (Drop zone is on the walking path). 1 stroke penalty is applied, and players throw from the drop zone.

Hole 2A: On or over parking lot is OB

Hole 3a: On or over left of walking path is OB

Hole 4A: Creek bed and beyond flags is OB

Hole 5A: OB on or over walking path behind basket

Hole 6A

Hole 7A: NO Mando

Hole 8A:


Hold 10 Upper A: Creek Bed and beyond flags is OB.

Hole 11A: OB on 12 fairway marked with yellow rope

Hole 12: OB left on hole 11’s fairway (marked with yellow rope and flags)

Hole 13: Creek bed and beyond flags is OB

Hole 14: Creek bed and beyond flags is OB

Hole 15 (Short Pad to Short A Basket): creek bed OB

Hole 16: No Island rules

Hole 17: Creek bed or on or over the road to the left or long is OB

Hole 18B: On or over Parking Lot/Driveway and on or over walking path next to pavilion is OB.

Raffle and Lunch:

We will be raffling off different items at the event. For those of you that have attended the last 3 years, you know the raffle prizes we have given out have been the best anywhere in the tri-county area. This year will not disappoint as well. Every registration fee includes 3 free raffle tickets, but we will also be selling tickets at $2.00 each or $20.00 for an arm length of tickets. A wingspan of tickets will be $30.00. Money from the raffle will benefit the Berks Disc Golf Club towards course improvements at Laurelain and our friend that was hit by a drunk driver at 100mph on her way home from work. A young single mom supporting 3 young kids that after 16 surgeries has to learn how to walk again. For those of you that came last year, you know these were some of the best raffle prizes around. We would appreciate players bringing new discs, gift cards, etc. towards the raffles. Players that donate towards the raffle will receive additional raffle tickets.

Lunch, TBD, will be available free of charge. Donations for lunch will also go towards the course and our fundraiser family.

Refund policy

Berks Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.