22nd Annual KDGC Ice Bowl
Singles tournament · Sun, Feb 18, 2024Feb 2024 · Kamloops, BC
22nd Annual KDGC Ice Bowl
Singles tournament
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Hosted by Wes Eccleston & Steve MacKenzie / KDGC
The schedule is not posted.
MPO | Mixed Pro Open | C$25 |
FPO | Women's Pro Open | C$25 |
MP40 | Mixed Pro 40+ | C$25 |
FP40 | Women's Pro 40+ | C$25 |
MA1 | Mixed Am 1 | C$25 |
FA1 | Women's Am 1 | C$25 |
MA40 | Mixed Am 40+ | C$25 |
FA40 | Women's Am 40+ | C$25 |
MA50 | Mixed Am 50+ | C$25 |
FA50 | Women's Am 50+ | C$25 |
MA2 | Mixed Am 2 | C$25 |
FA2 | Women's Am 2 | C$25 |
MJ15 | Mixed Junior 15 | C$15 |
FJ15 | Girls' Junior 15 | C$15 |
About this tournament
10 am players meeting, then go out and play with old or new friends.
Format and Rules of Play
One Round of 18 Holes, regular pads to regular baskets.
All standard rules of play in effect, excluding snowy OB paths,
but including fenced areas. Unless otherwise noted,
all throws/ discs/ techniques are players choice.
Please watch your step and avoid any soft ground
whenever possible during play and hole transitions.
Hole Descriptions
1 Putter / Driver. Mandatory Putter (speed 3-) drive from the
tee-pad, and Driver (speed 9+) for all remaining throws to
finish hole.
2 Worst Lies. 2 throws every turn, must take worst lie to throw
from, including final 2, completed putts.
3 Blindfolded. Drive whilst covering your eyes with pre-approved
scarf/mask/etc. Regular play afterward.
4 Island Hole. Mandatory landing on regular island area before
putting out. There is no drop zone. No penalty stroke for re-tee
(second attempt is throw 2, etc.) to maximum of a snowman (8).
5 No Mandos. Cannot throw through the traditional mandatory
signs, and ‘unwind’ if pass thru them. Must use a spotter to
ensure it is safe to throw near/over pad 18 and 4.
6 ACE RUN. Shortened hole, layups strongly discouraged.
7 Regular play. This hole is hard and wacky enough.
8 Markers. No regular sized discs permitted for any throws.
Only Minis, Juniors or other group-determined projectiles
9 Opposite Hand. Non-dominant hand for all throws, any disc.
10 Putters Only. Speed 4 and below for all throws.
11 Throw This. Cardmates choose any disc from your bag for all throws.
12 Forehand Folly. All throws palm-up, and on, into the basket.
13 Razzled. Cannot throw until card mates are prepared to distract you.
No nudity.
14 Wheel of Throws. Spin the wheel to determine technique for
drive (backhand, forehand, overhand, roller). Any other play to basket.
15 Stupid Mandos. Must throw drive to left of first willow, then
right of the second, then left of the third, and right of the fourth before
putting out. Follow the flagging.
16 Sit Down. Mandatory seated position for all throws.
The ground, stools, and carts are eligible for sitting.
Absolutely no kneeling.
17 Island Hop. Must land in at least one of the two marked zones
to complete the hole.
18 Patent Pending. Mandatory to face away
from the basket for every lie to finish your round.
10 am players meeting, then go out and play with old or new friends.
Format and Rules of Play
One Round of 18 Holes, regular pads to regular baskets.
All standard rules of play in effect, excluding snowy OB paths,
but including fenced areas. Unless otherwise noted,
all throws/ discs/ techniques are players choice.
Please watch your step and avoid any soft ground
whenever possible during play and hole transitions.
Hole Descriptions
1 Putter / Driver. Mandatory Putter (speed 3-) drive from the
tee-pad, and Driver (speed 9+) for all remaining throws to
finish hole.
2 Worst Lies. 2 throws every turn, must take worst lie to throw
from, including final 2, completed putts.
3 Blindfolded. Drive whilst covering your eyes with pre-approved
scarf/mask/etc. Regular play afterward.
4 Island Hole. Mandatory landing on regular island area before
putting out. There is no drop zone. No penalty stroke for re-tee
(second attempt is throw 2, etc.) to maximum of a snowman (8).
5 No Mandos. Cannot throw through the traditional mandatory
signs, and ‘unwind’ if pass thru them. Must use a spotter to
ensure it is safe to throw near/over pad 18 and 4.
6 ACE RUN. Shortened hole, layups strongly discouraged.
7 Regular play. This hole is hard and wacky enough.
8 Markers. No regular sized discs permitted for any throws.
Only Minis, Juniors or other group-determined projectiles
9 Opposite Hand. Non-dominant hand for all throws, any disc.
10 Putters Only. Speed 4 and below for all throws.
11 Throw This. Cardmates choose any disc from your bag for all throws.
12 Forehand Folly. All throws palm-up, and on, into the basket.
13 Razzled. Cannot throw until card mates are prepared to distract you.
No nudity.
14 Wheel of Throws. Spin the wheel to determine technique for
drive (backhand, forehand, overhand, roller). Any other play to basket.
15 Stupid Mandos. Must throw drive to left of first willow, then
right of the second, then left of the third, and right of the fourth before
putting out. Follow the flagging.
16 Sit Down. Mandatory seated position for all throws.
The ground, stools, and carts are eligible for sitting.
Absolutely no kneeling.
17 Island Hop. Must land in at least one of the two marked zones
to complete the hole.
18 Patent Pending. Mandatory to face away
from the basket for every lie to finish your round.
Refund policy
Wes Eccleston & Steve MacKenzie / KDGC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.