2016 Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open A-Tier Amateur Only
PDGA A-tier · Thu-Sat, Apr 28-30, 2016Apr 2016 · Emporia, KS
Just curious if the owners of discs recovered from GBO will receive a call (if their name and number is on the disc)? I have three discs that met their demise to water hazards (silverfish purple Enfor ...
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May 6, 2016

I wasn't able to make it to the poker party on Friday night due to waiting for my wife's card to come in from Muni, and then the two of us getting cleaned up after the nasty weather. Is there a possib ...
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May 3, 2016

Sent an email to dynamic discs yesterday but no response yet. Yesterday i recieved notice from one of my professors at university that my final has been rescheduled and now falls on the gbo... im hav ...
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Apr 19, 2016

Roger Vartabedian - PDGA #69081 Apr 5, 2016

thank you Mar 2, 2016

from the tournament I paid for both of the entrance fees with my credit card using my email thank you Mar 1, 2016
I have someone, Iain Warren, who would like to swap divisions with me. He would like to take my Advanced position and I'd like to take his Intermediate position. Iain should be commenting to this post. Thanks in advance. Feb 29, 2016

I'm registered in the Advanced Division. I was curious if I could be put on the waiting list for Recreational and then moved into that division if a spot becomes available. Please and thank you. Feb 26, 2016