
2016 Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open A-Tier Amateur Only

PDGA A-tier · Thu-Sat, Apr 28-30, 2016Apr 2016 · Emporia, KS

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Chad Cole
Just curious if the owners of discs recovered from GBO will receive a call (if their name and number is on the disc)? I have three discs that met their demise to water hazards (silverfish purple Enfor ... show more ›
May 6, 2016
Dynamic Discs May 6, 2016 Hello Chad. Please reach out to our retail store directly via email at [email redacted].
Chad Cole May 6, 2016 Thanks :)
Chad Cole
I wasn't able to make it to the poker party on Friday night due to waiting for my wife's card to come in from Muni, and then the two of us getting cleaned up after the nasty weather. Is there a possib ... show more ›
May 3, 2016
Dynamic Discs May 3, 2016 Absolutely! I will add reward points to your account with our online store right away equal to $10. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thanks!
Chad Cole May 4, 2016 Thanks! :)
James McCullough Just curious if I can be moved in the middle of a tournament from Intermediate to Recreational? Looked like a few spots are open. Apr 30, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 30, 2016 I'm afraid you can't move divisions once the event has started.
Extra Mayo Thinking of leaving now from Houston if I can get in to tournament. Noticed there is lots of spots open. Apr 27, 2016
Alex Villanueva Is it too late to change the tee off song? Apr 27, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 26, 2016 Nope. What song would you like?
Alex Villanueva Apr 26, 2016 los mandados vicente fernandez
Dynamic Discs Apr 27, 2016 I will update it right away. Thanks!
Tate Galloway Hey dynamic discs I was wondering I'm in the intermediate slot and I was wondering what courses do I go to for the tournament days? Thanks. Apr 23, 2016
Scott Taylor Apr 23, 2016 Both the app and the website will show you what pool you are in, and what courses you play. Double check this, but I think you are pool D and play Municipal, Peter Pan, and Olpe.
Dynamic Discs Apr 23, 2016 Thank you, Scott! You can also check out and click on Competitor Info if you don't have a smartphone.
Tate Galloway Apr 24, 2016 Ok thanks
Aiden Gensel Could you please change my song to (metallica) for whom the bell tolls Apr 20, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 20, 2016 Absolutely! We'll update it right away.
Brandon Hemedinger I'd like to remove myself from MA1. I just got in on MA2 from the wait list. Thank you very much! Apr 20, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 20, 2016 Please check your email regarding this. Thanks!
Ray ONeel Could i change my song to its tricky by dmc? Apr 20, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 20, 2016 Absolutely! We will update it right away. Thanks!
Andrew Kirschling
Sent an email to dynamic discs yesterday but no response yet. Yesterday i recieved notice from one of my professors at university that my final has been rescheduled and now falls on the gbo... im hav ... show more ›
Apr 19, 2016
Tye Krukowski Apr 19, 2016 I told them I'm working in a national park over the summer and they either let me take it early or online
kurt spivey Kurt Spivey here #5872 playing MGI. Can you change my intro song from " eye of the tiger" to "war pigs" black sabath.... Apr 19, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 19, 2016 Yes. We will update it right away. Thanks!
Colin Meiklejohn I'm afraid I need to cancel my registration for Advanced Masters - hopefully someone can get my spot from the waiting list. Thanks, Colin #47667 Apr 18, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 19, 2016 Hello Colin. Please check your email regarding this matter. Thanks!
Ben Swam I would like to move from Rec to Advanced Masters, if possible. Ben Swam - 52875 Apr 18, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 19, 2016 Not a problem at all. We will make it happen. Thanks!
Scott Terry Unfortunately due to some medical reasons I am unable to play this year. Scott Terry #78902 Apr 15, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 15, 2016 Please check your email. Thanks!
Lytle Stone This is L.Clay Stone, I am registered in Advanced Masters. However, I would like to get in Advanced Grandmasters. There were not any openings when I signed up but there looks like there is one know. Apr 14, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 14, 2016 Yes sir! We will switch you over right away. Thanks!
Chris Kinsella I am not going to make it this year (and for the record, I am not happy about it). Chris Kinsella #21342 Apr 13, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 13, 2016 Please check your email regarding this. Thanks!
Sean Land Where can we find the course pool assignments. I am having a brain fart. tyia Apr 12, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 12, 2016 Please visit, hover on Tournament Info, and click Competitor Info. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Maryl Mangum Will you please remove me from the list, Maryl Schakel, #66750, int. Women. Unfortunately I can't make it this year. Thank you Apr 12, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 12, 2016 Please check your email regarding this situation. Thanks!
Eric Anderson Unfortunately I will not be able to make it to the GBO. Please remove me from the list. Eric Anderson, rec, #48104 Apr 12, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 12, 2016 Please check your email.
Burton Rivera Curious if I can change my intro song. May not be appropriate:) Apr 7, 2016
show 4 earlier comments
Dynamic Discs Apr 7, 2016 Yes, I have changed your song. If the guy in charge of music at the event does not think it is appropriate, he will ask you for another song before you tee off.
Burton Rivera Apr 7, 2016 Thank you so much. Excuse me for misunderstanding the last message. Thanks again.
Dynamic Discs Apr 8, 2016 Not a problem at all.
Roger Vartabedian It is with a heavy heart that I must drop from attending. I am truly sad to do this, but please remove me from the AM3 registration list.
Roger Vartabedian - PDGA #69081
Apr 5, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 5, 2016 Please check your email.
Dan Hollingshead I see that some of the courses have multiple pin or tee positions. Is there any info on what divisions will play which? Specifically, I'm in MA2, and I'm wondering about Peter Pan and Olpe courses. Apr 5, 2016
Dynamic Discs Apr 6, 2016 Dan, The pins are set for the Peter Pan and Olpe courses. Check out a course review video of Olpe here:
Dynamic Discs Apr 6, 2016 Check out a course review video of Peter Pan here:
Dynamic Discs Apr 6, 2016 We are making a slight change to Hole 9 at Olpe...other than that - no changes. MA2 will play the standard course layouts for both Olpe and Peter Pan.
James Ramsey Trying to switch my advanced registration for intermediate position. Anyone willing to trade? Thanks. Apr 4, 2016
Garrett Broadus Is it too late to change intro songs? Will intro songs be played for MA3? Mar 30, 2016
show 2 earlier comments
Dynamic Discs Mar 30, 2016 Done!
Dynamic Discs Mar 30, 2016 Done!
Terry Maddox Apr 1, 2016 awesome response from DD!
Roger Vartabedian With the ratings being updated on April 19th (I believe), should my rating go up past what I have registered for, I have the option to stay or move since it will be within the 2 weeks prior to the event? Am I correct with that? Mar 24, 2016
show 2 earlier comments
Dynamic Discs Mar 26, 2016 Please email [email redacted] at the earliest possible time if you decide to move divisions.
Roger Vartabedian Mar 28, 2016 I shall do that right away, should I decide to move
Dynamic Discs Mar 28, 2016 Thanks!
Eric Londono I'm currently registered for ma3, but want to move up to ma2. Is anyone interested in trading? Mar 16, 2016
Cef Ruiz What is the player's pack this year? I couldn't find it anywhere online. Am I just overlooking it? Thanks! Mar 9, 2016
Roger Vartabedian Mar 9, 2016 It has not been released yet...patience
Dynamic Discs Mar 9, 2016 You will find out at check-in. We can guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Cef Ruiz Mar 9, 2016 Fair enough.
Dan Hollingshead Please cancel my registration in MA1. I'm also registered in MA2, and number #1 on the wait list, so I'm going to play MA2 instead. To be clear, do not cancel my MA2 registration, just the MA1. Thank you. Mar 7, 2016
Dynamic Discs Mar 7, 2016 We can do that. Is your PayPal account linked to this email address - [email redacted]?
Dan Hollingshead Mar 7, 2016 Yes, that will work. Thank you!
Dynamic Discs Mar 8, 2016 Done. Thanks!
Lance Roberts In response to the changes and pool assignments. I would like a full refund. My name is Lance Roberts playing Advanced Masters and I paid by paypal on Nov. 02 2015. Thanks…. Disappointed that neither ball course or olpe was given to F pool. We can play both jones and pp anytime. Mar 3, 2016
Donna Brown I am afraid my life is too wishy washy. Please withdraw Derek Davignon from Advanced masters . Send available cash refund to my credit card. Also with draw Donna B from Advanced masters women and also credit my same card.
thank you
Mar 2, 2016
show 3 earlier comments
Donna Brown Mar 3, 2016 please verify [email redacted]. I looked in the inbox and junk for 3/2
Dynamic Discs Mar 4, 2016 That's the email it was sent to. Is there another email address we can try?
Donna Brown Mar 4, 2016 i got it , it came from Glyn houser
Sean Land If we are unable to get into the event from the waitlist, will there be refunds of any kind? Trying to decide whether to jump on the waitlist or not. Mar 2, 2016
Dynamic Discs Mar 2, 2016 Hello Sean. If you are on the waitlist and do not get into the event, you will receive a full refund minus the $1.34 processing fee that Disc Golf Scene keeps.
Donna Brown I jumped the gun. DO NOT withdraw,Derek D'Avignon or Donna B. We will be there. Please confirm that we are still in Mar 1, 2016
Dynamic Discs Mar 1, 2016 You have not been removed from the event. Please let us know if that changes. Thanks!
Donna Brown Please withdraw myself and Derek Davignon
from the tournament I paid for both of the entrance fees with my credit card using my email thank you
Mar 1, 2016
James McCullough DD,
I have someone, Iain Warren, who would like to swap divisions with me. He would like to take my Advanced position and I'd like to take his Intermediate position. Iain should be commenting to this post. Thanks in advance.
Feb 29, 2016
Dynamic Discs Mar 1, 2016 We can make the change happen once Iain comments on this post.
Iain Warren Mar 2, 2016 Yes I agree to make the change, thank you James and DD
Dynamic Discs Mar 2, 2016 Excellent! The change has been made and should be updated on the PDGA shortly. I'm glad you guys were able to make this work.
James McCullough DD,

I'm registered in the Advanced Division. I was curious if I could be put on the waiting list for Recreational and then moved into that division if a spot becomes available. Please and thank you.
Feb 26, 2016
Dynamic Discs Feb 26, 2016 I'm afraid we can't add you to the Rec waitlist unless we remove you from Advanced or you register for a spot in Rec. If you register for Rec and get in, we can refund your Advanced entry fee.
James McCullough Feb 26, 2016 Alright, thank you. Set
James McCullough Feb 26, 2016 Typo
Mike Michalak I am now in the tourney for Advance Grand Master division so I am listed twice (Pro Grand Master & Advance Grand Master) could I get a refund for the Pro Grand Master Entry for I will be playing Advance Grand Master / Thanks Feb 26, 2016
Raymond Tucker Unfortunately I have to withdraw, how must I go about possible refund? Feb 26, 2016
Dynamic Discs Feb 26, 2016 Check your email please.
Donna Brown Since there is not a division for me ( grandmaster woman) , Can I be put on 2 waitlists? I am currently on the Advanced master women. IF so I would like to be added to the womens intermediate as well. Feb 24, 2016
Dynamic Discs Feb 24, 2016 I'm afraid you would need to register again in Intermediate Women to be added to the wailist for that division. If/when you get into a division, we will issue a refund for the other entry.
Donna Brown Feb 24, 2016 ok,deal ( smiley face)
Brandon Hemedinger Is there anyone out there that would be willing to take my spot in MA1 and I will take their spot in MA2? Feb 24, 2016
Brandon Hemedinger Mar 6, 2016 Anyone?
Lucas Cox Unfortunately I must withdrawal can I get a refund? Feb 22, 2016
Dynamic Discs Feb 22, 2016 Check your email.
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