3rd Hampton Park open · 2024 Citadel Elite Performance Series

September 1, 2024 - December 28, 2024   ·   5 events

Events   ›   3rd Hampton Park open  ·   November 16, 2024

Register online now › 3rd Hampton Park open
November 16, 2024 · Greenville, South Carolina

Tournament detail ›
This is a Citadel Elite Performance Series event for up to 90 players

This will be 2 rounds of 18 holes with shotgun starts.

To lower costs, I have minimized the AM player pack into a goodie bag at check in. This will be a player pack only event. There are several optional add-ons that you can choose if you wish.

Pro divisions will receive normal cash payouts per PDGA guidelines.

There are optional cash CTP and Ace Pools. New Ace pool structure in effect. See comments section or ace description in registration.

There are optional player pack discs that you can add if you wish.

There is also an optional Divisional Side pot. Anyone that buys into this will have their entry combined with others that select it in their division. The top 25% of players that select this option will be eligible to win.

PDGA requires any player under 13 to have at least 1 non-player guardian on their card and junior divisions cannot be mixed with non-junior cards.

If fewer than 4 players in a division, TD reserves the right to choose to remove division according to PDGA rules.

Any division with no one registered as of 10 days before the event is not guaranteed a trophy.

C tier pass-through fees: $2 PDGA sanction fee, $2 for course fees, Bathroom fees, TD fees etc. $3 series fee