Comments · 2024 Citadel Elite Performance Series

September 1, 2024 - December 28, 2024   ·   5 events


Gabe Brown   September 2 at 2:05am

I have been looking at this for hours. I see major issues of fairness as I tried to apply the original point system with tweaks. So, here is what we will do. You will earn points in each event you play that are equal to the average rating of the two rounds played. Your total series score will be equal to the sum of your best 3 events. If you play in all 5 events, you will get to drop the two worst rated events from your overall points.

I am sorry for changing this, but I just did not feel wha ... more


Gabe Brown   August 21 at 7:43pm

We will use a league to track standings since the series leaderboard does not show the divisions like I want. You will still be able to track total points on the leaderboard tab on this page.
