MA3 · "Battle of the 7C's Disc Golf Series 2024"

May 5, 2024 - September 7, 2024   ·   7 events

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Total Battle of the 7C's at Belgrade Lakes"Battle of the 7C's" Devil's Grove"Battle of the 7C's" CR Farm"Battle of the 7C's" Bittersweet Ridge DGC"Battle of the 7C's" Acker's Acres"Battle of the 7C's" Hapana"Battle of the 7C's" Quaker hill
#1 Neil Fredrick 2 events 95 452nd-501st----
#2 Shawn Charest 2 events 65 353rd-303rd----
#3 Sean O'Malley 1 event 60 -601st-----
#4 Wyatt Slocum 1 event 55 551st------
#5 Michael Hershelman 1 event 50 -502nd-----
#6 Dustin Shea 2 events 40 155th254th-----
#6 Michael R Forbes 1 event 40 -403rd-----
#6 Kwan Chheang 1 event 40 --402nd----
#9 Tyler Chabot 3 events 25 106th58th105th----
#10 Connor Maguire 1 event 20 -205th-----
#10 Tyler Hamilton 1 event 20 204th------
#12 Jack Rupard 1 event 15 -156th-----
#12 Aaron J Scott 1 event 15 --154th----
#14 Luke Perry 1 event 10 -107th-----
#15 James MacArthur Sr 1 event 5 --56th----
#15 Alder Clayton 1 event 5 57th------