MP50 · "Battle of the 7C's Disc Golf Series 2024"

May 5, 2024 - September 7, 2024   ·   7 events

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Total Battle of the 7C's at Belgrade Lakes"Battle of the 7C's" Devil's Grove"Battle of the 7C's" CR Farm"Battle of the 7C's" Bittersweet Ridge DGC"Battle of the 7C's" Acker's Acres"Battle of the 7C's" Hapana"Battle of the 7C's" Quaker hill
#1 Randy Dore 2 events 110 -551st551st----
#2 Bob Kulchuk 3 events 95 155th551st253rd----
#3 Steven LeBlanc 2 events 85 402nd-452nd----
#4 Mike Pratt 2 events 70 551st156th-----
#5 Stephen Trottier 2 events 45 204th254th-----
#6 Anthony Frongillo 1 event 40 -403rd-----
#6 Andrew Jones 1 event 40 402nd------
#8 Ben Lowry 2 events 35 -107th253rd----
#9 Cleveland Knowles 2 events 25 -205th57th----
#9 John Mucciarone 1 event 25 --253rd----
#11 John Bigelow 3 events 20 57th58th106th----
#12 Dave Buchholz 1 event 10 106th------