WGE 2024 - Queens of Talolali · Oregon Women’s Series 2024

April 7, 2024 - August 18, 2024   ·   10 events

Events   ›   WGE 2024 - Queens of Talolali  ·   May 19, 2024

WGE 2024 - Queens of Talolali
May 19, 2024 · Stayton, Oregon

Tournament detail ›

FPO   ·   3 players

  Name Points
3 Marina Polushkin 3
1 Ashley Calvert 3
2 Mandy Gunkel 3

FA1   ·   3 players

  Name Points
3 Bella Chau 3
1 Karen May 3
2 Kelsey Adams 3

FA40   ·   5 players

  Name Points
5 Kathryn Tippetts 3
2 Maria Snow 3
3 Rachel Parr 3
3 Shawna Pond 3
1 Joann Partridge 3

FA50   ·   2 players

  Name Points
1 Holly DeWit 3
2 Yukari Reller 3

FA2   ·   4 players

  Name Points
3 Ashley Aman 3
3 Sarah Stanley 3
1 Autumn Waters 3
2 Heather Bell 3

FA3   ·   6 players

  Name Points
6 Flor Espino-Mercado 3
3 Kelly Irwin 3
4 Jess Durham 3
1 Emily McClaskey 3
5 Lillian Lee 3
2 Mary “TK” Thrailkill 3

FA4   ·   1 player

  Name Points
1 Cherie O’Bannon 3