When will you post the Valley Springs points?
Curious how points get awarded. What is the formula?
I think that you need to check that ties are being counted correctly. Farmville the three people tied for third in MA3 should get 50 each. There are other ties where you don't get credit for each of the people you tie with. Hope you are well and see you soon!
Sorry I misunderstood the question. You get points for every person you beat including yourself. Since you did not beat the other players you tied with you don't get points for beating them.
I am trying to add all of the signups to my calendar so that I dont miss one.
Is CedarRock and Clayton signup going to be at the same day/time?
Hey Eric, Clayton will be the day after Cedar Rock sign up. Cedar rock will open at 8:00pm on April 1st, Clayton will open at 8:00pm on April 2nd. Thanks for the heads up, Disc Golf Scene should reflect this now!
2 points for every person you beat including yourself. An additional 5 for the winner. 10 people in a division, 2 place gets 18 points (2x9 (8 people beat plus yourself) winner gets 25 (9 people beat plus himself plus another 5 for winning.