
Pts First Responders Open The George Watson Memorial8th Annual Basket Hawk Open Presented by Legacy DiscsFull Circle Brewing Hard Pan Classic presented by Legacy Disc GoThe Safari Scorcher: A Modesto CenCal EventMerced Meltdown A CenCal Series Event2022 Windjammer Pro/Am - CenCal Series EventMicke Grove Mayhem 2022 - Lodi CenCal SeriesCenCal Series - Success Standoff at Bartlett Park Presented by Legacy DiscsDreamspace Classic, Driven by INNOVACenCal Series Championships / King of the Valley - Presented by
#1 Jason Boyer 6 events 668 1003rd-1321st-1033rd--1061st1181st1091st
#2 Tyler Lampkin 7 events 552 1062nd914th4515th-4912th--943rd827th855th
#3 Austin Thielman 5 events 539 ---1191st1092nd1141st1091st884th--
#4 Keenan Reveles 6 events 515 767th855th1203rd-856th--825th-678th
#5 Brandon Hernandez 5 events 448 944th-1084th-797th---915th766th
#6 Michael Drew 4 events 396 1121st-1084th----1002nd-766th
#7 James Toste 3 events 354 --1262nd1191st----1092nd-
#8 Matthew Lampkin 3 events 266 -1091st818th----766th--
#9 Travis Gentile 2 events 225 ---1103rd1151st-----
#10 Matthew Hatcher 3 events 199 --525th-----1004th943rd
#11 Jacob Serrano 2 events 192 ---1014th915th-----
#12 Matt Walsh 2 events 190 -----934th973rd---
#13 Austin Wallace 2 events 172 ----708th1023rd----
#13 Nick Walsh 2 events 172 --818th-----915th-
#15 Shaunessey Moore 3 events 166 826th--6211th----2216th-
#16 Michael "ZEE" Zapata 2 events 156 ---837th--737th---
#17 Wameng Vue 2 events 153 --6012th--934th----
#18 Tyler Rhoton 2 events 141 ---4414th974th-----
#19 Jary Yang 2 events 133 --1084th-2516th-----
#20 Kyle Coon 2 events 127 -----3614th914th---
#21 Harrison Hobbs 3 events 124 --527th-----649th5510th
#21 Andrew Biehler 2 events 124 649th-6012th-------
#23 Jonathan Collado 3 events 115 -796th531st-3115th-----
#23 Kevin Prill 2 events 115 --1219th------1032nd
#25 Marcus Smith 3 events 113 --524th5312th5511th-----
#26 Henry Garcia 2 events 112 -----669th--4612th-
#27 Weston Hasch 1 event 109 --------1092nd-
#28 Keaton Anserson 1 event 108 -----1082nd----
#29 Connor Rose 2 events 106 --4515th-6110th-----
#30 Sam Sargent 1 event 103 -1032nd--------
#30 Kevin Omand 1 event 103 ------1032nd---
#32 Josh Purney 1 event 101 ---1014th------
#33 Christopher Courtney 1 event 97 -973rd--------
#34 Kelly Stracke 1 event 96 --967th-------
#35 Chance Benevedes 1 event 94 ---------943rd
#36 Danny Her 1 event 92 ---926th------
#37 Will Mickelsen 1 event 88 885th---------
#38 Andrew Penner 2 events 85 5211th-3317th-------
#38 Chris Barr 1 event 85 ------855th---
#40 Michael Gearhart 1 event 84 -----846th----
#41 David Hurley 1 event 83 ---837th------
#42 Derek Chessik 1 event 81 --818th-------
#42 Derek Kirmil 1 event 81 --818th-------
#44 William BO Giulieri 1 event 79 ------796th---
#45 Troy Campbell 2 events 77 ---3216th-4512th----
#46 Roshan Jaic Thomas 1 event 76 --------768th-
#47 Wyatt Bowles 1 event 75 -----757th----
#47 Xia Liu 1 event 75 -----757th----
#49 Elias Simon 1 event 73 -737th--------
#50 Dominic Herrick 2 events 71 --3317th3815th------
#50 Chris Awalt 1 event 71 ---719th------
#50 Michael SALET 1 event 71 ---719th------
#53 Alfredo Oropeza 1 event 70 ----708th-----
#53 Logan Portillo 1 event 70 -------707th--
#53 Jose Gonzalez 1 event 70 708th---------
#56 Devin Kolb 1 event 67 -678th--------
#57 Justin Thomas 1 event 64 ------648th---
#57 Edgar Oregel 1 event 64 --------649th-
#57 Matthew Brozen 1 event 64 --------649th-
#57 Jacob Young 1 event 64 ------648th---
#61 Jerod Summons 1 event 61 -619th--------
#61 Chad Hayes 1 event 61 ---------619th
#63 Lucas Solis 1 event 60 --6012th-------
#64 Tanner McBurney 1 event 58 5810th---------
#65 Benny Ciurdas 1 event 57 -----5710th----
#65 J Michael Neal 1 event 57 -----5710th----
#67 Eric Garcia Pokes 1 event 55 -5510th--------
#67 James De La Rosa 1 event 55 ------5510th---
#69 Jacob Bassetti 1 event 53 ---5312th------
#70 Matt Friesen 2 events 52 4013th-1219th-------
#71 Richard Rocker 2 events 51 --527th-----4612th-
#72 Chris Mihall 1 event 46 4612th---------
#72 Logan James 1 event 46 --------4612th-
#74 Ethan Sandberg 1 event 45 -----4512th----
#75 Joey Joy 1 event 43 ----4313th-----
#76 Matthew J Mlnarik 1 event 37 ----3714th-----
#77 Scott Hawkins 1 event 34 --------3415th-
#78 Steven Michael 1 event 30 -----3015th----
#79 Derek Brown 1 event 23 ---2317th------
#79 Jason Del Mundo 1 event 23 ---2317th------
#81 Ruben Prieto 1 event 22 --------2216th-
#81 Gabriel Lopez 1 event 22 --------2216th-
#83 Jade Vigil 1 event 14 ---1419th------
#84 Tyler Gillette 1 event 12 --1219th-------
#84 Ronald Powers 1 event 12 --1219th-------
#84 Robert Soratos 1 event 12 --1219th-------
#87 Anthony Perez 1 event 10 --------1019th-
#88 Andrew Ferrari 1 event 8 ---820th------
#89 Kevin Duguid 1 event 5 ---521st------
#89 Eric G Zueger 1 event 5 ---521st------
#89 Alekos Mitchel 1 event 5 --525th-------
#89 Tim Steeves 1 event 5 --529th-------
#89 Nicholas Kite 1 event 5 --530th-------
#89 Adam Miller 1 event 5 --532nd-------
#89 Dean Nuce 1 event 5 ---523rd------
#89 Chris Clay 1 event 5 --533rd-------