I81 Disc Golf Series
I81DGS is an annual point series focused on the I81 corridor of Virginia - West Virginia - Maryland - Pennsylvania. Created to bring more participation and recognition to the great Tournaments, Courses, Clubs and TDs that drive the game of disc golf in each locality.
Mens' divisions must play in FIVE of the events that your division is offered to qualify for prizes.
If playing more than 5 events, your lowest finishes will drop and only your SIX highest will go towards points (Men).
Ladies' divisions must play in THREE of the events that your division is offered to qualify for prizes.
If playing more than 3 events, your lowest finishes will drop and only your FOUR highest will go towards points (Women).
11 events - Top 6 point totals count (Men).
11 events - Top 4 point totals count (Women).
The system is to reward th ...
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I81 Disc Golf Series
I81DGS is an annual point series focused on the I81 corridor of Virginia - West Virginia - Maryland - Pennsylvania. Created to bring more participation and recognition to the great Tournaments, Courses, Clubs and TDs that drive the game of disc golf in each locality.
Mens' divisions must play in FIVE of the events that your division is offered to qualify for prizes.
If playing more than 5 events, your lowest finishes will drop and only your SIX highest will go towards points (Men).
Ladies' divisions must play in THREE of the events that your division is offered to qualify for prizes.
If playing more than 3 events, your lowest finishes will drop and only your FOUR highest will go towards points (Women).
11 events - Top 6 point totals count (Men).
11 events - Top 4 point totals count (Women).
The system is to reward those who play in more than the minimum amount of events to qualify.
Trophies for the top 3 in each qualified division - PRO and AM.
PRO - estimated $500 in cash.
AM - estimated $400 in I81 plastic and assorted swag' that can ONLY be won. None of it will be available for purchase at any time. If you see someone throwing these stamps, they placed in the series.
Please keep in mind that the trophies - design, materials and production are always donated and not being deducted from the overall payout balance.
The 2021 year is scheduled to have $825 ($75 added) =$900 available for payouts. I am working on some fund raising ideas to increase that number over the course of the year.
*There may be a 2022 TITLE SPONSOR in the works!
More information here -
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