Consists of 9 PDGA Tournaments Across West Virginia. Current WVDGA Members competing in any PDGA Division at these events will earn tour points good towards a year end payout. Payouts will go to the T ...
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Consists of 9 PDGA Tournaments Across West Virginia. Current WVDGA Members competing in any PDGA Division at these events will earn tour points good towards a year end payout. Payouts will go to the Top 3 players (or 50% whichever is greater) of each PDGA Division on the Tour.
2019 WVDGA Memberships (and renewals) will go on sale on Disc Golf Scene soon. All WVDGA members will also receive a $5 discount on their PDGA Membership/Renewals.
An Application will go online in January for those Tournament Directors interested in running a West Virginia Disc Golf Tour event in 2019. Once this application closes in February, the tournaments will be announced.
Competitors will earn 1 point on their divisions' Leaderboard for each WVDGT tournament they attend plus 1 point for every player they beat and 1 point for every player they tie. Scores will be updated regularly on the West Virginia Disc Golf Tour Leaderboard. Top 3 (or 50% whichever is greater) will be paid out in each division; Pros receive Cash and Amateurs will get Merchandise from our supporting vendors.
There is a Grace Period for any new member which is 1 WVDGT Event. Players have until the day before the next WVDGT event to join the WVDGA to keep their points earned at a previous event. This grace period allows player to keep points earned from (1) previous tourney.
All Payouts will be held at our Year End Player Party & Awards Ceremony. More TBA.
Gold Membership - $50
Silver Membership - $35
Bronze Membership - $15
Complete Membership information here -
Entry to the player party is covered by Silver and Gold Level memberships. Bronze members and other guests will be $10 at the door.
1 supporting Disc Golf Vendor or Club-owned Store from each West Virginia Disc Golf Tour event will be invited to the year end players party to participate in the Amateur Payouts. All vendors will be reimbursed by the WVDGA for any amateur payouts given by the vendor.
All are welcome to participate, the more the merrier!
Thanks for your interest in the West Virginia Disc Golf Tour!
West Virginia Disc Golf Association
PDGA Affiliate Partner Program
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