john dexter gallager

Michigan, USA Righty - backhand

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Main course

Blue · 18 holes Not played

Default Layout · 18 holes Not played

Default Layout · 18 holes Not played

Default Layout · 18 holes Not played

League Layout (18+2) · 20 holes Not played

Regular tees · 18 holes · Par 54 Played once

45 Best score
Friends' best scores
124Zac Cauchy
244Jacob Kohler
244Kyle Mihatsch - Highland Groves DGC
244mike patterson
545Zachary Vaughn
545Jeff Kuehle
545john dexter gallager
846Dj Hunt
846Ryan Herzog
846Damian Redman
846Sancho Valdez
846CJ Koehler
1347Jamie Mosier
1448Ben Calhoun
1448Matt Powers
1649Jerry "Chilly" Chilson
1649Bryan Gollnitz
1850Keith Aten
1850Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's
1850Cal Benke
1850Robert Hipp
1850Tim Glass
1850Ben Tschudy
2451Joe Harr
2451Uncle Todd #22388
2653Scott White
2653Michael Wildner
2653Jeff Bauman
2653Tracy Fagan
3054david fuller
3054Adam Sleder
3255bill shoemaker
3255Brandon Squires
3457jeremiah burdett
3559Jennifer Kuehle
3663Ryan Nesbitt
+ expand list
45.0 Average score
Friends' averages
145.0john dexter gallager
248.9Jamie Mosier
350.0mike patterson
450.8Zachary Vaughn
552.3Dj Hunt
653.3Matt Powers
753.5Jacob Kohler
854.2Bryan Gollnitz
954.5Michael Wildner
1055.3Adam Sleder
1155.4Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's
1155.4Jeff Kuehle
1155.4Ben Tschudy
1455.7Tracy Fagan
1556.1Robert Hipp
1657.8Cal Benke
1757.9Uncle Todd #22388
1858.4Brandon Squires
1958.8Kyle Mihatsch - Highland Groves DGC
2059.5Zac Cauchy
2163.5Jennifer Kuehle
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
44.0Andrew Marwede
45.0T A
47.0jon perry
47.5Kerry Hanley
48.3Sam Mrdeza
48.5Gavin Cunningham
48.5Nicholas Robertson
48.9Jamie Mosier
49.0Jeremy Reisig
49.0Chris Roman
49.3Brendan Schuppe
49.5Colin treinen
49.5Lindsey Maas
49.6Josiah Grant
49.8D. Roc
50.0mike patterson
50.2Noah “FBN” Dietrich
50.3Dave Milewski
50.8Zachary Vaughn
50.9Travis Lowe
50.9Ryan Gemmell
51.3Scott Ransley
51.3Trevor West
51.4Matt Lakanen
51.5Kolt Slater
51.5James Duvall
51.6Grant McMullen
51.7Tyler Clark
51.7Pete Hess
51.8Andre S
51.8Jeff Miller
52.1Brad Houdek
52.2Shane Brayton
52.2Casey Simmons
52.2David Frothingham
52.3Ryan McMath
52.3Dj Hunt
52.4Agosto Favela
52.6Scott Gross "Team Tilley's"
52.8Jacob Espinoza
52.8Jason McCary
53.3Matt Powers
53.4John "NACHO" Norkowski
53.5Charlie Pennington
53.5Jacob Kohler
53.7Jeff Smith
53.7Jacob Klingelsmith
53.8billy montpas
53.8Casper The "cloud" maker
54.1Kyle Williams
54.2Brian Kent
54.2Bryan Gollnitz
54.3Jake Ogemaw
54.3Ben Jones
54.3William Plut
54.4Adam Wurm
54.5Michael Wildner
54.6Greg Argyle
54.7Ferrel Mejeur
54.8Joseph Rogers
54.8Andrew thompson
55.0marty schultz
55.0Andrew White
55.0Shawn Herbert
55.3Cameron marshall
55.3Adam Sleder
55.3Bill Fuller
55.3Nick Pacific
55.4Ben Tschudy
55.4Jeff Kuehle
55.4Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's
55.5Chris Lubbers
55.5Mike johnston
55.6Richard Little
55.6Jason Karle
55.7Tracy Fagan
55.8Julian Bunker
56.0David VanLente---Big D
56.1Robert Hipp
56.2Dillon Luna
56.3Bob Walz
56.3Wes Plamondon
56.5David Treinen
56.5Luke Zinke
56.6Josh Johnston
56.6Joshua L Elmer
56.7Nick Letts
57.0Coye Williams
57.0Mike Stump - OldStump
57.0Michael Elmore
57.2Josh Allen
57.3Mark Sharpe
57.4Gregory Butterfield
57.6Forrest Omland
57.7Dave Connors
57.8Cal Benke
57.9Uncle Todd #22388
58.0Derek F. Weible
58.4Brandon Squires
58.5Andrew Roesstorff
58.8Gary Bruce
58.8jim mcmath
58.8Brad Tondreau
58.8Kyle Mihatsch - Highland Groves DGC
58.8Kenny Miller - Team Tilley's
59.0Jake Waxer
59.0Seth Garthe
59.2Adam Hillsamer
59.5Zac Cauchy
59.7Kyle steed
59.8Ryan Michiels
60.0Josh Romstadt
60.0Paul Grasso
60.0Eric Cikity
60.3David irwin
60.6Adam Geise
60.8Daniel Klingelsmith
61.3Mikal Morris
63.0Ennui Xeus
63.5Jennifer Kuehle
63.9Brian Franke
65.3Dave Maddox
65.5Chris Piedmonte
65.8Eric Piedmonte
65.8Bradley Pearson
66.2Gina Wymore
67.8Cameron Benak
68.0Laura Maier
69.5Jake Messner
80.9Caleb Thompson
85.3Lee Moerland
88.7Nic Berg
149.0Bryan Piedmonte
175.4Chad Jones
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history
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